Turkey and Saudi Arabia also jumped into the field after the US invasion of Syria, announced that no one could expect

in #syria7 years ago

Saudi Arabia, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and Israel support Syria and its allies on Syria. Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Israel attacked Syria, US, France and Britain in response to alleged chemical attacks. And Turkey has supported the move as inevitable and correct by supporting.
Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan welcomed the United States and Allied invasion during the party meeting in Ankara, according to the World News Agency, saying that the United States, Britain and France have jointly sent a message to Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. It will be impossible to respond to the massacres of Syria in Syria. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs also declares the attack against President Bashar al-Assad, saying that the suspected chemical attack in Duma last week against humanity It was a crime and it could not be ignored without punishment.
Supporting the attacks, Israel said in a statement released last year, "The US President Donald Trump said last year, using chemical weapons to cross the red line. Today, the United States led by France and the United Kingdom have done this, Syria Persistent action is involved in continuous measures and is providing space for attacks.
Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia welcomed the attacks on Syria by the US and allies, a statement issued by the Saudi Foreign Ministry said in a statement that we support the military operation against the Syrian military operations, because the Syrian government, Women and children are using globally prohibited chemical weapons, this alarming process is a continuation of the actions that the Syrian government has been doing with its citizens for many years.
The Bahraini Foreign Ministry issued a statement that the military operation was necessary against Syrian citizens' protection and prevention of chemical weapons.
Meanwhile, NATO Secretary General Jen Strawenberg announced the support of the Syrian invasion, saying that he supports the Syrian government's action against chemical installations and centers, resulting in a chemical weapon against its people of the Syrian regime. The ability to use will harmnews-1523781057-3111.jpg