It will take me some time to read all of the rules xD
Iwill try to write about the imba chars bc I have a special power to find imbalanced chars etc xD
Well I just like to create chars and optimize them hrhr
But I need more time bc. I also have to read thr dnd 5th edition rules. I need Hermiones magic item to wind back time I think
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The secret in Hammercalled is that we use a philosophy of "You're good at what you're good at."
The idea being that yeah, you can have someone who's a crack shot and can nail a bulls-eye at 2000 feet, but everyone else has something they do really well. Your party's face can talk down a violent criminal whose motorcycle your group destroyed, your wheelman can drive circles around anyone else on the road, and so forth.
Segira's a little lower power than standard Hammercalled, but not by much. The high-octane is balanced by the consequences for failure. Yeah, you can charge that enemy emplacement all by yourself and maybe get 'em all, but only if you're willing to accept the fact that you're probably going to eat a bullet or two and get your character killed. Adrenalin gives a balancing act here: you get bonus heroism once in a while, and the ability to do surprisingly well on off-footing, but it still runs out eventually.