Kwekwek v2.o
You can buy these kwekwek for only 15php and the kikiam is for 20 for 3.
We just drop in since it is along the road going home from palo.
We used to hit to route from palo down to mc arthur and have a refreshing vibe with the place.
Twas very calm and holidaze are feelin alright. So these food get our attention then we buy it. Manong says his kwekwek is more unique unlike to other kwekwek and kikiam in the streets, then as we give it a try we witness the great taste and the different texture and sauce. I would like to promote manong to check it out @ mc arthur park and experience the different kwe kwek kikiam experience.
And thats it!
Twas short but hope you like it!
And wait! Theres more! i always want to share the pictures ive taken with the rehabilitation of seawall on mc arthur park! Good job palo for the actions.

Nice article...keep it up!