Opposing Forces

I just need to attempt to explain, & I wonder if anyone else feels this way…, or maybe just some people see basic concepts…, I have a very hard time living within Societal structure as it exists in its current form, perhaps it could be called a mental illness but from my perspective it seems to be the Entire World that’s gone crazy…, When I look around at the Utter indifference & resolute psychosis that seems to persist in the world it’s really quite terrifying to me…, it seems to me & has seemed this way my entire life That the entire structure of the Human way of life is in direct opposition to the constructive & Natural Order of existence…, I know I can’t be the only one that see’s this, Do you need an example I don’t know where to start, I came to the conclusion that there must just be Oppositional forces at work on earth, Forces of Creation & destruction or of Good & Evil Even such forces within our selves which act contrarily to our own better natures…, I see things such as the structure & organization of society as being a foundation by which the forces of destruction have become more powerful & more dangerous…, I find the most destructive thing in nature to be those who lust for power & seek to lead, & those many who are desperate to be led…,
Because so long as We are living & existing in a Societal structure that is based around false Constructs & Social Operant Conditioning We are existing outside the confines of Natural Law & in this False Social construct We are constantly being led in one direction or another almost always we are being Led Away from Independence of Thought & of, Free & Independent action…, Our Accountability is Hidden from our sight…, I mean lets look at War for Instance or the very societal construct of Using violent Force to impose edicts ….,
Can We Not Agree on Basic Principle that it is Wrong to Kill, it is Wrong to Steal, It is Wrong to Impose Our Will upon others through violence or threat – these are basic concepts simple to understand which we are taught & even many instinctively know from childhood…, & Yet as a Society We Wage Wars, Lie to eachother, Steal from one another & call it Taxation, or Fines or Fees…., People who lead fairly peaceful lives at home will nevertheless put on a Uniform & Assume That the Uniform Gives them Rightful authority to do things that are in and of themselves Known to be Inherently Wrong…, They commit theft & murder, Kidnapping & enslaving people & They call it Justice – Maybe they should change the Spelling of that- JustUs ….., Justice For me and not for Thee…
I spoke of accountability , We all will be accountable for our actions I’m no different…, But There is not one thing that makes it moral or just to allow any man or group or men to hold Rights which no other man does, this is the very Definition of Empirical Rule & Feudal Tenure…
Either We Are Free Men, Or We Are Slaves , Either We are Free Men or we are the Property or Other Men…, Which Is It? , Because it Cannot be Both Ways…
Think About It..