Card Reading for Monday 11th October 2018 / IXCHEL

in #tarot6 years ago (edited)

Grandmother Ensures Safe Crossing - Ixchel Medicine Woman  Wild Kuan Yin Oracle- Goddess Guidance
Grandmother Ensures Safe Crossing - Ixchel Medicine Woman

Grandmother Ensures Safe Crossing

You have a journey ahead of you. There is a particular path that you are meant to take, so that you shall be in the right place at the right time, to encounter the experiences that you are meant to have and the people that you are meant to meet. This journey will lead you across the water, far away from what you have known.

To bear the crossing of the water, you must lose sight of the shore. It is part of your destiny, your sacred life path, to take this journey. So although you may feel excitement or fear, hope or uncertainty about whether you are up to the task, know that it is meant for you and Grandmother shall watch over you. She shall give you means for the journey and ensure that the crossing of the water is safely undertaken. Be light of heart, beloved, even as you may mourn what is left behind, for this journey is divinely blessed and will bring great success.”

“There are times in life when we must cross the water if we are to grow rather than wither and retract. To grow requires courage but offers the reward of radiance and fulfilment beyond what we have experienced. To cross the water implies more than simply taking a trip, it refers to a more life-changing experience of committing to and taking a journey.

A journey is not only an external experience, it is an internal adventure too. Whilst a trip is interesting perhaps and gives us some nice experiences but fundamentally leaves us the same person upon return, a journey changes us on the inside. A journey is as much, if not more so, about the process of travel itself. The internal growth that comes through taking a journey – a journey that leads us beyond what we have known and asks us to ‘cross the water’ into new territory – is what marks it as a divine adventure.

Such an adventure offers us opportunities to mature – to open our minds, to become wiser, more tolerant, more curious and less certain of how life should be.

We can experience ourselves in different ways. It can be uncomfortable but exciting, certainly it will involve venturing into the unknown. We may have to leave behind support systems in many senses and become more reliant upon ourselves and the inner guidance of our heart.

When a journey is meant to be, however, the Divine Mother will provide the necessary tour guide or person with greater experience to help you along your journey. If you have also drawn the oracle of Sacred Sherpa Guides you Beyond, or feel intuitively the need to read the message and complete the healing process for that card, then a significant aspect of this journey will be trusting in an experienced guide to help you through your journey. This guide may be an actual person, or it may be information as well as spiritual protection, that comes to you as needed.

Even if you do not feel drawn to that card, this oracle of Grandmother Ensures Safe Crossing confirms that whatever hep or divine protection you need is there for you. It may just be that you experience it as a sense of invisible but palpable protection or ‘luck’ and ‘good timing’ to help you throughout your travels.

The crossing of water meant for you at this time – or imminently – may be in a physical sense. Opportunities to travel can arise where you choose to leave the home you have known to literally go venturing overseas.

There are also other profound ways to cross the water that may or may not accompany a physical relocation. These crossings of the water are where we leave behind a state of being or consciousness in favour of another. That may include releasing a sense of self, of identity, of certainty about ourselves or the world, to bravely venture towards an as-yet-unknown destiny. We will have little idea as to what we are doing or where we are headed at times.

We will likely feel lost and out of place, sometimes not really feeling like we belong anywhere in particular nor having really settled and found our home or place in the world. Even in our place of birth we may feel we are a stranger passing through. Having such experiences is a sign that a journey across the water is taking place, symbolic and internal, but just as real.

The oracle of Grandmother Ensures Safe Crossing indicates that not only are you on the journey but you must keep looking. You have somewhere to go, a home to find, but you have not quite found it yet. there is something more for you to discover about yourself and your place in the world. There is a part of you that understands this.

Perhaps you have fought it, tried to fit in with the ways of those around you, yet you are urged to remain true to the yearnings of your soul and continue your adventures. Do not imagine that where you currently find yourself is to be your resting place. There is more for you in your life, further adventure awaits you.

There will be a sense that every life lesson you have struggled through and mastered will have bearing and offer support to navigate the journey you are taking now or will soon embark upon. The emotional component of your journey may include grief and feelings of insecurity as you let go of the familiar.

The gift tantalizingly offered as the treasure you seek on your adventure will inspire you to move beyond what has been comfortable, to take a risk for the mere possibility that you could obtain your heart’s deepest desires and live a life you truly know you were created to live.

This particular journey and the discontent or curiosity about ‘something more’ that triggers its beginning is meant to be. Reward will certainly come; whether it is the reward you imagine now or one even more wonderful and miraculous than you can currently fathom, that can only be determined in time and only realized through the experience.

There are no guarantees given as to how your journey will unfold, just that you have had all the preparation you need, even if you doubt your readiness and that the ancient wisdom of the Divine Mother in the form of Grandmother will protect you. When the time is upon you, when you feel the stirring of discontent or the call of the wild to grow and expand, you are best to answer with a huge, heartfelt YES!

The sanctuary, guidance and protection of the Hold Grandmother is with you to ensure the success of your journey. Grandmother watches over the weaving of past, present and future. She understands that what happens now is the planting and fertilizing of the soul seed which will come to blossom more fully in accordance with your divine life purpose.

She will nudge you when you need to be nudged, comfort you when you become uncertain, and provide the means for you to take step after step towards your destination. She is the representative of the Holy Mother. She will ensure safe passage, no matter how arduous, challenging or downright intimidating the prospect of the journey of transformation may seem.

Grandmother lives within your heart as wisdom and has the power to attract whatever is needed to assist you on your journey. Believe in the journey, beloved wild child, and in your ability to see the steps before you and take them. Reaching your destination will then happen of its own accord, and by the time you get there the journey will have matured you to be absolutely ready to receive your fulfilling grace.

This oracle comes with a particular message, a guarantee of supreme success in a venture you are considering. It will as you to grow, but the success is there for you if you are willing to take the journey.

If you have been considering a move or profound life change then this oracle comes as confirmation that not only are you meant to be taking that journey, but that the Divine will ensure protection and success. Life changes here could be those of career, religious or spiritual matters, life style or even sexual orientation. It could be any choice that feels as though it will take you more truthfully into your essence, even whilst in the process causing some upheaval for others as well.

Remember to complete the following healing process. Surrender your control around how the journey unfolds and where it leads you. Start with your commitment to take the journey and then trust your heart to lead you each step of the way.”

Healing Process: “Say this prayer. If you are already ‘on your journey’ and times are challenging, you may like to say it each morning and night.

‘Kuan Yin, who loves me without condition, Holy Grandmother, who cares for my soul with merciful grace, watch over me, protect me, guide me on all levels of my being in all possible ways. Help me take the journey before me now with courage and wisdom.

Give me clear signs to follow and help me to realize the strength I have within me to rise to any challenge. Help me find the courage within to explore beyond what I have known, and to feel and trust in the guiding wisdom and power of my own heart. Through your blessing, my supreme success is ensured. Thank you for your gracious blessings. I receive with an open heart and willing mind. Through my own free will, so be it.’

Once you have said the prayer, you have finished your healing process.

Grandmother Ensures Safe Crossing - Ixchel Medicine Woman Wild Kuan Yin Oracle
Grandmother Ensures Safe Crossing - Ixchel Medicine Woman

Ixchel – Medicine Woman

The Full Harvest Moon brings the reminder that it is time to release some of your heavy burdens and responsibilities. Cleansing means detoxifying on every level; spiritual, mental, emotional and physical. Over time, burdens create negativity and fatigue, which continue to build if we do not release them and breathe our way into a cleaner, healthier lifestyle.

This is an amazing message for everyone. We all have the ability to heal ourselves, mind, body, and spirit. When we learn to focus on and connect to spirit, we can become a conduit for healing energy that heals yourself and others. Let’s focus on Ixchel’s message as we bring in the energy of the moon to our day. Search your body, mind, and soul today. What are they telling you? What is standing in your way of healing or reaching a goal?

You’re own Self will send you messages through your body, mind, or soul so you can clean away the blocks that are standing in your way. If you are tired all the time, or stressed, you might be over taxed with others demands, or have an illness that needs to be accessed medically. Listen to what your body and spirit tell you. This is the gateway to getting to know yourself and do what is in your highest good.

Ixchel is revered as the Mayan Moon Goddess. As the embodiment of the Moon, she is intimately connected to the tides of the water. She is believe to control rainfall and all aspects of water flow. In fact, she is called “Lady Rainbow”, as her essence is infused in the water droplet prisms that create rainbows. She is certainly around Shanghai at the moment with all this water we have flowing. Just look out for the rainbows in the water droplets or in the clouds…

Ixchel is also associated with fertility and childbirth. She’s a powerful healer who remembers the origin of human life on this planet. She can connect you to your foundational roots as a healer.

As you read her message written below, feel how it relates to your life, even if you are not a “healer” by profession, remind yourself that we all heal on some level, be it conscious or subconscious.

“You are a channel for Divine healing power”

Commanding power is not the same as demanding it. Demanding comes from a childlike shazam-goddessplace akin to a tantrum, based upon the fear that it might be withheld. Commanding is based upon the sure and steady knowledge that you are part of the Great Spirit’s grace and wisdom. You are a lightening rod that can conduct the power.

 Simply connect to the power through unyielding clarity of your thought processes. Don’t waver for a moment in your sure and steady decision to be a conduit of the power that already resides within you.

 Connect to the even bigger source and allow it to amplify your natural power. In this way, you are a steady connector of the Infinite, from the Infinite and to the Infinite. In other words, it is all Spirit: around you, through you and to whomever you are healing.

“You are a channel for Divine healing power.”

Each and every one of us has healing powers. We simply need to command the healing power knowing that we are created in God’s image and therefore carry the God Spark within us. It is a humble acknowledgment of who we are and an understanding that the power of healing does not come from us but through us.

We are merely the channel not the source. It is a gift that we have been given and should never be abused. The purer the channel the more powerful the energy is so we have a responsibility to ensure that we only eat and drink that which is absolutely pure and carries the highest energy. We also need to ensure that our environment is as pure as possible and that we avoid toxic spaces and people as much as we can by making choices of who and where we spend out time. When we bring through the healing energy we command that it come through us for the highest good of all. There is a big difference between commanding and demanding.

Demanding is like having a tantrum based on fear that the energy might be withheld and then it will be. Treat everyone and everything with respect and always feel grateful and humbled that you are being blessed with the healing energies that you are able to bring through. Ensure that you have done the best training you can always working with ethical teachers and honour your healing abilities and knowledge by passing them on with integrity and light.

Decks Used Here 

Goddess Guidance Oracle 

Wild Kuan Yin Oracle

Originally posted on my blog