What is your hidden talent ? Month of August Tarot Reading

in #tarot4 years ago

This Reading is timeless but is done for the month of August, take it as it resonates, it is meant to address" What is the hidden talent that you are not aware of and helps you in the long run in your journey"


**Aries **

Your ability to multitask this month has made you learn patience, but you know that you are still immature in some emotional issues that you deal with and you haven't fully mastered that emotional pat of yourself constantly telling you everything has to be perfect and that you have to do everything perfect. You are willing to wait for that moment when you are fully in control.

**Taurus **
You are in control, you have come so far that you could actually say that most of what actually happens to you is your own doing and you wanted it to happen. You are at the peek of the climax of what you have worked so long and you are strict and rational about it. Control is necessary and success is a must. Even you may backstabb someone to reach your goal!, that's how serious you are in reaching your goal. You are stubborn and controlling circumstances in your favor and wont let your opponent or whatever o whoever you are dealing with win. Sometimes this makes you a cold person who has to win at all cost even at the cost of losing a part of yourself by hurting another, because you already think you lost, and that's why winning seems so necessary.

Success is easy for you this month and seeing clearly what has been hidden or some stuff you couldn't exactly know for sure before is bright as light for you Now. TRUTH IS OUT: ALL IS CLEAR. Sometimes you can be the best judge or a perfect concealer who offers perfect solutions for problems because you see them at their core and you know how to solve them. However, most need attention and hard work and you know this is life, anyway those whom you give your advice might not understand you or even ignore you. You see both sides and you can offer them guidance.

**Cancer **
You are very alert, very couscous of your surroundings, what people say and do is under your radar and sometimes the truths you find out is shocking to you but helpful in solving puzzles, and there are a lot of stuff going on with you that are a continuation of something that has been built up for sometime and now its the time to get an explosion of truth. However, your sneakiness in dealing and managing these types of situations has made you a master at getting away with stuff that might have hurt you.

**Leo **
It seems that your mastery at emotional handling of several people is at its peek, you can figure out what people want emotionally and you are willing to show that you can give it to them with a sense of heroism. You might think you have to still wok on what is important for you in terms of value, but you have come so far to understand the emotional needs, you have not completed the journey yet in that area but still you have a long way to go. You can manifest whatever you want and the sun shines and makes everyone happy around you.

**Virgo **
You work great under pressure and if there is an opponent or a someone you have to compete with for a position or a reward, that makes you work and study and analyze extra harder and you know that through working hard and keeping at a goal, you can be successful and turn things in you favor whether your focus is on you financial affairs or in you love life. It is only time and hard work. You know that if you are not hard on yourself, you can't get things done.

****Libra ****
You think too much about partnership and sometimes you want it and sometimes you don't. There are many in-between decisions that you made in your life based off of almost sure reasons and there is always a reason to make another decision but no matter in whatever way you look at it, there is always be some part that you wont have any control and some parts will always remain hidden and secret, that's what makes you regret you decisions and go back and think about those "what ifs" or those circumstances that you didn't see a hidden part of but after passage of time you see some part of it but still you are not sure, that makes you have power in the decision making area and that makes you decide on a better decision

**Scorpio **
This is weird. I get that postponing heartfelt and difficult emotional decisions is your hidden talent, it leads you to learn patience when dealing with difficult situations specially stuff that smell like sad truths. A clarity is needed but you know if you see the truth you cant handle it, so you rather not make that decision and wait for what comes next, what aspect of the situation ou could analyze later. You go deep within yourself to make these decisions. Analysis is very important and taking a step by step measure.

You can create chaos and Oder: Your ability to fight with demons of the unconscious to change your circumstances or the changing fate in your favor is remarkable. You are amazing in setting those little incidents in a direction that will give you the result you want eventually and everyone else can just watch you win, it is difficult, because the energy of Saturn is such a heavy energy that controlling it requires a master and you are that master. you are fighting for what you believe is right for everyone but you only consider your own happiness at the end. whether you are the victim or the abuser, you know that things will change and the energy of Saturn you are dealing with will eventually teach you a valuable lesson.

**Capricorn **
Your ability is that you know you might not have success with you ideas at first, but you know that failure is necessary to achieve your goal, failure lets you know what you are doing wrong and you are good at recognizing what is wrong and what is right. So, you insist on the original idea to manifest but you might consider some adjustments to get to the next level. At this stage, nothing seems to satisfy you and that is the motive that makes your try different methods to have success eventually in the future.

**Aquarius **
The more you accomplish your goals in your life, the more you think it is not enough. you see the glass half empty and that is the reason why you jump between this project and that project, you want to do them all and in less time than before. You think no solution can solve your problems and there is an unbalance in your relationships and work or money because of that and you have to work hard to be on the other part of: the small group who are happy and satisfied. there is a need for you to feel important, a shining star among those other average ones.

**Pieces **
You are controlling the rush you feel in your head with the maturity of emotions. you are a master of emotions, deep ones and there is no one like you who could master both feminine and masculine but sometimes this power of yours gets you into trouble because other people are not like you and that makes you extremely angry. this could lead to some isolation on your part but you can handle that as well.

Thanks for reading 😃
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