The Great Awakening and Tarot

in #tarot5 years ago

(this is the script I used when making this video, but I have expanded it to explain how the individual cards relate to events pertaining to the Great Awakening and Q posts, whereas the video is more of a guide to the meaning of the individual cards, so between the two there will be a bunch of overlap. Just an FYI!)

The last few days, there's been a lot of hubbub about Q and Tarot cards. I've been reading Tarot for about twenty years, and so I'd like to offer what insight I can to the topic.

I know some view tarot as taboo, divining tools of the devil and whatnot. They have one, very narrow, understanding of the tarot, and I would like to expand upon them for those who are not familiar with the cards so they can understand them in a not-so-frightening light.

First off, the way I understand them to "work" is that as one shuffles the deck, their subconscious is putting the cards in order. Generally, when one shuffles, one concentrates on a specific question or situation in which they seek insight. When one draws from the deck, their consciousness is choosing the cards from the order their subconscious arranged. And depending on the spread chosen -- that's the pattern the cards are laid out, in which each placement has a specific meaning-- can offer more insightful meaning to the person seeking the tarot card reading. Adding further depth to the reading, is the notion that cards are associated with astrology. For example, the suit of Cups represents water signs Pieces, Cancer, and Scorpio. Wands represent fire signs Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. Swords are Air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius. And Coins, or Pentacles as they are sometimes called, represents Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.

That said, here's some specifics about the Tarot buzz and the Great Awakening.

The Major Arcana cards relate to the spiritual side of life and the whole lifespan, whereas the Minor Arcana deals with the day-to-day aspects of one's existence, daily trials and tribulations. Despite popular belief, the worst card in the deck isn't the Devil (I know, right?) or The Tower, which depicts destruction. It's the Ten of Swords, as it represents utter ruination to the point where the only place to go is up.

The Major Arcana deals with the journey of life, and it starts off with The Fool, who's journey introduces concepts and archetypes which we all face in life; wise men and women, deceit, choices we must make that are war between the heart and mind, times of contemplation, times of action, of utter change, personal transformation and overwhelming obstacles which must be worked around rather than plowed through.

So, specifically, we're dealing with the tail-end of the Major Arcana and The Great Awakening.


The Tail End Of Our Current Cycle Of Oppression, As Told By The Major Arcana

Card 15 of the Major Arcana is The Devil. It represents materialism at its worst, to the point that rational thought gives way to the lure of sparkly things and giving up the higher senses in favor of earthly delights. Forget being spiritual when you can find pleasure in the latest technology, indulge in the passion of keeping up with the Jones in all things shallow. The Devil brings misery, tyranny, disaster, greed, and lust; things with make one focus on themselves and their standing and feeding internal turmoil. Oppression caused by an overwhelming force, unbreakable bonds, and obstacles that one cannot defeat outright but must work around.

We see this play out with satanic and luciferian doctrine, of the brainwashing of masses so engrossed in seeing the latest blockbuster that they'll wait a week in line for tickets but won't stand two hours in line to vote. Those who want the newest tech, asap, but not realizing that it's a double-edged sword meant to abuse them, when considered in the context of data mining via AI from Facebook and other social media. They know who you are by those cute little quizzes which ask what kind of unicorn you are, or what TV show character is your spirit animal, because those quizzes psychologically profile you. We see unfettered sexual exploitation of people and children, on a societal level, as we consume media which is produced by those guilty of said exploitation. The Devil lives in Hollywood and until recently, vacationed in DC. But there are patriots working to undermine and work around what The Devil has done; there are those aware of the rot and corruption of said Devil, and are fighting a silent war to end the chokehold The Devil has on humanity.

Card 16 is The Tower. It's depicted as a tall edifice being struck by lighting (aka divine powers) and crumbles while people fall. When intact, the tower was a symbol of protection, but broken, means that too much trust was placed in those now broken walls. Often shown with narrow windows, it means a narrow world view, aka tunnel vision. Not seeing enough of the big picture. When one reflects upon the Tower, it shows us that nothing can stand against the will of the Divine, and that a breakdown of outdated and worn down values can be a shock, but it's a blessing in disguise. It's freedom from self-inflicted, self-imposed worldviews, typically in a sudden and disruptive manner. It shows us that change is inevitable and nothing to be feared, as we will come through the experience better and stronger people.

We can look at this from the perspective that the kingdom of corruption The Devil has ruled over and sold us with false confidence while robbing us blind of money, dignity, and humanity. These false constructs are now crumbling around the ears of those who supported and enabled. This destruction is good, needed, and for as disruptive as it feels, it's required for future progress where we can build something better.

Card 17 is The Star. It's typically depicted with a buxom lass with two pitchers, pouring water into a stream. Above her shines seven small stars (thought to be be the Pleiades star cluster, often called The Seven Sisters) and one large star; Polaris. It's the star navigators follow when lost. This card is all about wishing upon a star, and the power of hope being so strong that dreams come true. It shows that there is always a direction to go toward, even when things get unbearably hard; have hope and you have guidance in your heart. It can show a gift or a gesture of affection, and that not all gifts are material. It's a good indication that wishes and dreams will be fulfilled, but not as one expects. The Star is also a reminder that the spiritual dimension of life should not be ignored, and that hope is the bread that keeps the heart alive.

We can interpret this card a few ways, depending on what camp you're in; the safe road is that we're heading in a better direction, full of hope and a spiritual connectedness that is currently missing as many are ensconced in their shallow existence. It maybe frustrating, but channel your inner sailer and keep your eye on your guiding star. The less-safe road is what happens if you consider that Q post 2222 states we're not alone in the universe, and that we may finally meet our galactic neighbors, some of which may just happen to come from the Pleiades.

Card 18 is The Moon. Traditionally, it shows two wolves howling at the moon, while a crayfish crawls up from the deep. What does that mean? Wolves are pack animals and can mean loyalty. But they hunt in packs, and it's a warning to beware of dangers in the dark. Some card decks represent the wolves as a wolf and a dog, the wolf symbolizing animal instincts and running wild while the dog represents domesticity and the boring, everyday life. The crawdad represents the primitive mind coming up from the depths of ignorance and heading toward the light. The card is a reminder to use your intuition when dealing with deceptive situations, for all is not as it seems. In the dark, the path ahead is hard to navigate, but continue along because eventually the moon sets and the sun rises. This card is also favorable if involved with clandestine affairs.

We're still traveling a dark road of the soul (for many; not YOU specifically) and for so long, people have been taught not to trust their intuition, but to rely on authority figures or talking heads on the brainwashing box. It's become societal conditioning to the point that people get all weirded out when they start relying on the instincts nature has bestowed upon them. As more people awaken from their ignorance and head toward the light, there will be more upset as they realize the depth of the deceit. Which side of their nature will win? The running wild side? Or the one geared toward improving society?

Card 19 is the Sun Depicted as it gleams upon a naked and joyful child riding a horse, carrying behind him a banner. Sunflowers bloom, nourished by sunlight. This card is a happy, joyful card. The sun bestows life upon all in the universe. (For those offended by the thought, think of it in context that without photosynthesis, there are no plants to feed us and livestock; our bodies create vitamin D from sun exposure) The child represents perfect control, as he rides his horse without saddle, bridle, or stirrups; the embodiment of harmony between the conscious and unconscious mind. Being naked, he has nothing to hide. This card represents good things: success, glory, happiness, joy, achievement, happy reunions and joyful love affairs. Can represent summertime or hot, sunny places. It can also represent birth of a longed-for baby, good news about one's children, and enlarging families.

**After the reveal of deceit dies down, and people come to terms with just how abused they were under the old system, imagine their relief that they will feel knowing they won't be victimized again. Purifying light covering the land, casting away the darkness, that for too long has held sway. Imagine being freed of a system built upon trauma; imagine being free of that trauma, and how totally that would change one's perspective and how jubilant as a whole humanity would be.

Card 20 is Judgment. This card is heavy with Christian iconography from the Book of Revelations. Fiery Archangel Michael sounds the last trumpet and the dead rise from their graves to be judged on their conduct in life. The main concern of the card is death, rebirth, and far-reaching decisions that cannot be reneged upon. New potential and an opportunity, which once given, must not be ignored. It's also a call for fresh efforts. This card tends to imply that the events depicted in cards surrounding it in the spread, will be quicker than expected. Career success, enjoyment of past efforts, and decisions that will affect the rest of your life.

Ooh, this is where we get to RICO charges, Military Tribunals, and very public one way trips to Guantanamo Bay.

Card 21 is the last card of the Major Arcana. It is The World. A dancer is clothed in only a scarf, while in the corners of the card are four figures: A man, a bull, an eagle, and a lion. They carry many meanings: they represent both the four fixed signs of the zodiac (Aquarius, Taurus, Leo, and Scorpio), thus the four elements of Air, Earth, Fire, and Water, but also represent the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. The card symbolizes the completion of a cycle and the start of a new one. Rewards of labor after success. Triumph in all undertakings. This is the best card in the deck, depicting that battles are over and triumph is yours.

**GESARA, ultimate rebirth of society as a whole once the corrupt are purged; enlightenment and breaking away from using entertainment as escapism; becoming a participant rather than a spectator and enjoying the benefits of a truly free, spiritually connected humanity. **

So, I hope this added a bit of depth to the topic, and if you have Tarot related questions, feel free to ask them in the comments section.

Take care!