Feel the FIYAAA ~ Aries Full Moon Tarot Reading
Aries Full Moon Tarot Reading
with @sitastarchild

I know who I AM.
I AM whole alone, complete within myself, I am ready to grow.
I want to move and shake things up. Bringing some change to this Earth we live on, to teach peace and the meaning of Love, my will is Thy Own. Let the winds of Heaven dance beneath my feet, I deliver this medicine, listen to the drumbeat. I will dance until the moon turns blue, let the fires flame take me higher, this woman will never retire!
Feel my fire, let this whole place BURN! I bring New Light, so that I shall never have to return.
Well, I don't know about y'all, but these Aries Full Moon energies got me feeling the FIYAAAAA! Burning up HOT as all of the creative juices flow through me. Letting go of Self, I've made room for something sacred to be channeled through my vessel, and I am so excited to share these creations with you all, Beloved Steemit Community!

I am so so so so soooooo HAPPY! Today I received my very own OSHO Zen Tarot deck which I've used as a transformational tool and that has provided amazing spiritual, emotional, and mental support and guidance throughout my journey. I've had a fascination with Tarot for a long while doing daily readings for myself and friends. I've found that Tarot is a sacred tool of discovery into life's hidden meanings and cycles and can provide amazing insight into where you can transform your life!
Knowing that the Tarot is a powerful tool of divination working with the energies of Spirit, your Self, and others, it is crucial to cleanse and consecrate the deck with good intentions before using. When I first pulled out the deck, I performed a small blessing of the deck by smudging the cards with Palo Santo and charging with crystals. I then held the cards to my Heart and repeated these consecrations.

The Full Moon is an extra powerful and potent time to be uncovering what needs to be released as all darkness is illuminated under the Light of the Full Moon. Personally, I love to create a Tarot Ritual during the Full Moon to get a better understanding of what exactly needs to be shed, what I can keep, what is to come, and the lessons I have learned/learning during this lunation.
Below, I have laid out a basic Full Moon Tarot Spread that you can use if you are interested in exploring in Tarot!

Take a deep breath and shuffle your cards connecting to the deck. State your intentions as you read what each card will represent. Following intuition, lay the cards out when you feel ready. The cards are numbered in the order you lay them out in correspondence to what each card stands for.
- Release. Things to let go.
- Retain. Things to hold close.
- Receive. Things that are coming into your life.
- Surroundings. How the world around you is affecting you.
- Giving. What you should be giving to others.
- Beginning. Something new that will begin soon.
- Your lesson. What you are learning at this point.

Flip the cards over one by one allowing the images and words speak to your intuition as it relates to the corresponding position. Once you have flipped over all the cards, take a look at all of the cards and see how the create a story and fit within the larger scope of your life. To create deeper meanings and personal transformation, I keep a personal tarot journal where I recollect my tarot readings, the meanings of each card, and how they pertain to my life at that moment. Each deck comes with a guide that you can refer to as reference for more insight into the cards.

1. RELEASE: Morality - Queen of Clouds
"Morality has restricted all the juice and energy of life to the narrow confines of her mind. It can't flow there, so she really has become 'a dried up old prune'. Her whole manner is very proper and stiff and severe, and she is always ready to see every situation as black and white, like the jewel she wears around her neck.
The Queen of Clouds lurks in the minds of all of us who have been
brought up with rigid ideas of good and bad, sinful and virtuous,
acceptable and unacceptable, moral and immoral. It's important to remember that all these judgments of the mind are just products of our conditioning. And whether our judgments are applied to ourselves or to others, they keep us from experiencing the beauty and godliness that lies within. Only when we break through the cage of our conditioning and reach the truth of our own hearts can we begin to see life as it really is." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck

2. RETAIN: Creativity - The Empress
"From the alchemy of fire and water below to the divine light entering from above, the figure in this card is literally 'possessed by' the creative force. Really, the experience of creativity is an entry into the mysterious. Technique, expertise and knowledge are just tools; the key is to abandon oneself to the energy that fuels the birth of all things.
This energy has no form or structure, yet all the forms and
structures come out of it. It makes no difference what particular form your creativity takes--it can be painting or singing, planting a
garden or making a meal. The important thing is to be open to what wants to be expressed through you.
Remember that we don't possess our creations; they do not belong to us. True creativity arises from a union with the divine, with the mystical and the unknowable. Then it is both a joy for the creator and a blessing to others." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck

3. RECEIVE: Change - Wheel of Fortune
"The symbol in this card is an enormous wheel representing time, fate, karma. Galaxies spin around this constantly moving circle, and the twelve signs of the zodiac appear on its circumference. Just inside the circumference are the eight trigrams of the I Ching, and even closer to the center are the four directions, each illuminated by the energy of lightning. The spinning triangle is at this moment pointed upward, toward the divine, and the Chinese symbol of yin and yang, male and female, creative and receptive, lies at the center. It has often been said that the only unchanging thing in the world is change itself. Life is continuously changing, evolving, dying and being reborn. All opposites play a part in this vast circular pattern.
If you cling to the edge of the wheel you can get dizzy! Move toward the center of the cyclone and relax, knowing that this too will pass." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck

4. SURROUNDINGS: No-thingness - The Hierophant
"Being "in the gap" can be disorienting and even scary. Nothing to
hold on to, no sense of direction, not even a hint of what choices and possibilities might lie ahead. But it was just this state of pure potential that existed before the universe was created. All you can do now is to relax into this no-thingness...fall into this silence between the words...watch this gap between the outgoing and incoming breath. And treasure each empty moment of the experience. Something sacred is about to be born." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck

5. GIVING: Possibilities - 2 of Fire
"The eagle has an overview of all the possibilities contained in the
landscape below, as he flies freely, naturally and effortlessly
through the sky. He is really in his domain, very grand and
This card indicates that you are at a point where a world of
possibilities is open to you. Because you have grown more loving
towards yourself, more self-contained, you can work easily with
others. Because you are relaxed and at ease, you can recognize
possibilities as they present themselves, sometimes even before others can see them. Because you are in tune with your own nature, you understand that existence is providing you with exactly what you need. Enjoy the flight! And celebrate all the varied wonders of the landscape spread before you." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck

6. BEGINNING: Celebration - 3 of Water
"These three women dancing in the wind and the rain remind us that celebration never need depend on outside circumstances. We need not wait for a special holiday or a formal occasion, nor a sunny and cloudless day. True celebration arises from a joy that is first experienced deep within, and spills over into an overflow of song and dance and laughter, and yes, even tears of gratitude.
When you choose this card, it indicates that you are becoming more and more available and open to the many opportunities that are to celebrate in life, and to spread this by contagion to others. Don't bother about scheduling a party on your calendar. Let your hair down, take your shoes off, and start splashing in the puddles right now. The party is happening all around you every moment!" - Osho Zen Tarot Deck

7. LESSON: Participation - 4 of Fire
"Each figure in this mandala holds the right hand up, in an attitude of receiving, and the left hand down, in an attitude of giving. The whole circle creates a tremendous energy field that takes on the shape of the double dorje, the Tibetan symbol for the thunderbolt. The mandala has a quality like that of the energy field that forms around a buddha, where all the individuals taking part in the circle make a unique contribution to create a unified and vital whole. It is like a flower, whose wholeness is even more beautiful than the sum of its parts, at the same time enhancing the beauty of each individual petal.
You have an opportunity to participate with others now to make your contribution to creating something greater and more beautiful than each of you could manage alone. Your participation will not only nourish you, but will also contribute something precious to the whole." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck
Big Love & Full Moon Blessings to you all!
I know who I AM.
I AM whole alone, complete within myself, I am ready to grow.
I want to move and shake things up. Bringing some change to this Earth we live on, to teach peace and the meaning of Love, my will is Thy Own. Let the winds of Heaven dance beneath my feet, I deliver this medicine, listen to the drumbeat. I will dance until the moon turns blue, let the fires flame take me higher, this woman will never retire!
Feel my fire, let this whole place BURN! I bring New Light, so that I shall never have to return.
Well, I don't know about y'all, but these Aries Full Moon energies got me feeling the FIYAAAAA! Burning up HOT as all of the creative juices flow through me. Letting go of Self, I've made room for something sacred to be channeled through my vessel, and I am so excited to share these creations with you all, Beloved Steemit Community!
I am so so so so soooooo HAPPY! Today I received my very own OSHO Zen Tarot deck which I've used as a transformational tool and that has provided amazing spiritual, emotional, and mental support and guidance throughout my journey. I've had a fascination with Tarot for a long while doing daily readings for myself and friends. I've found that Tarot is a sacred tool of discovery into life's hidden meanings and cycles and can provide amazing insight into where you can transform your life!
Knowing that the Tarot is a powerful tool of divination working with the energies of Spirit, your Self, and others, it is crucial to cleanse and consecrate the deck with good intentions before using. When I first pulled out the deck, I performed a small blessing of the deck by smudging the cards with Palo Santo and charging with crystals. I then held the cards to my Heart and repeated these consecrations.
The Full Moon is an extra powerful and potent time to be uncovering what needs to be released as all darkness is illuminated under the Light of the Full Moon. Personally, I love to create a Tarot Ritual during the Full Moon to get a better understanding of what exactly needs to be shed, what I can keep, what is to come, and the lessons I have learned/learning during this lunation.
Below, I have laid out a basic Full Moon Tarot Spread that you can use if you are interested in exploring in Tarot!
Take a deep breath and shuffle your cards connecting to the deck. State your intentions as you read what each card will represent. Following intuition, lay the cards out when you feel ready. The cards are numbered in the order you lay them out in correspondence to what each card stands for.
- Release. Things to let go.
- Retain. Things to hold close.
- Receive. Things that are coming into your life.
- Surroundings. How the world around you is affecting you.
- Giving. What you should be giving to others.
- Beginning. Something new that will begin soon.
- Your lesson. What you are learning at this point.
Flip the cards over one by one allowing the images and words speak to your intuition as it relates to the corresponding position. Once you have flipped over all the cards, take a look at all of the cards and see how the create a story and fit within the larger scope of your life. To create deeper meanings and personal transformation, I keep a personal tarot journal where I recollect my tarot readings, the meanings of each card, and how they pertain to my life at that moment. Each deck comes with a guide that you can refer to as reference for more insight into the cards.
"Morality has restricted all the juice and energy of life to the narrow confines of her mind. It can't flow there, so she really has become 'a dried up old prune'. Her whole manner is very proper and stiff and severe, and she is always ready to see every situation as black and white, like the jewel she wears around her neck.
The Queen of Clouds lurks in the minds of all of us who have been
brought up with rigid ideas of good and bad, sinful and virtuous,
acceptable and unacceptable, moral and immoral. It's important to remember that all these judgments of the mind are just products of our conditioning. And whether our judgments are applied to ourselves or to others, they keep us from experiencing the beauty and godliness that lies within. Only when we break through the cage of our conditioning and reach the truth of our own hearts can we begin to see life as it really is." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck
"From the alchemy of fire and water below to the divine light entering from above, the figure in this card is literally 'possessed by' the creative force. Really, the experience of creativity is an entry into the mysterious. Technique, expertise and knowledge are just tools; the key is to abandon oneself to the energy that fuels the birth of all things.
This energy has no form or structure, yet all the forms and
structures come out of it. It makes no difference what particular form your creativity takes--it can be painting or singing, planting a
garden or making a meal. The important thing is to be open to what wants to be expressed through you.Remember that we don't possess our creations; they do not belong to us. True creativity arises from a union with the divine, with the mystical and the unknowable. Then it is both a joy for the creator and a blessing to others." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck
"The symbol in this card is an enormous wheel representing time, fate, karma. Galaxies spin around this constantly moving circle, and the twelve signs of the zodiac appear on its circumference. Just inside the circumference are the eight trigrams of the I Ching, and even closer to the center are the four directions, each illuminated by the energy of lightning. The spinning triangle is at this moment pointed upward, toward the divine, and the Chinese symbol of yin and yang, male and female, creative and receptive, lies at the center. It has often been said that the only unchanging thing in the world is change itself. Life is continuously changing, evolving, dying and being reborn. All opposites play a part in this vast circular pattern.
If you cling to the edge of the wheel you can get dizzy! Move toward the center of the cyclone and relax, knowing that this too will pass." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck
"Being "in the gap" can be disorienting and even scary. Nothing to
hold on to, no sense of direction, not even a hint of what choices and possibilities might lie ahead. But it was just this state of pure potential that existed before the universe was created. All you can do now is to relax into this no-thingness...fall into this silence between the words...watch this gap between the outgoing and incoming breath. And treasure each empty moment of the experience. Something sacred is about to be born." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck
"The eagle has an overview of all the possibilities contained in the
landscape below, as he flies freely, naturally and effortlessly
through the sky. He is really in his domain, very grand and
self-contained.This card indicates that you are at a point where a world of
possibilities is open to you. Because you have grown more loving
towards yourself, more self-contained, you can work easily with
others. Because you are relaxed and at ease, you can recognize
possibilities as they present themselves, sometimes even before others can see them. Because you are in tune with your own nature, you understand that existence is providing you with exactly what you need. Enjoy the flight! And celebrate all the varied wonders of the landscape spread before you." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck
"These three women dancing in the wind and the rain remind us that celebration never need depend on outside circumstances. We need not wait for a special holiday or a formal occasion, nor a sunny and cloudless day. True celebration arises from a joy that is first experienced deep within, and spills over into an overflow of song and dance and laughter, and yes, even tears of gratitude.
When you choose this card, it indicates that you are becoming more and more available and open to the many opportunities that are to celebrate in life, and to spread this by contagion to others. Don't bother about scheduling a party on your calendar. Let your hair down, take your shoes off, and start splashing in the puddles right now. The party is happening all around you every moment!" - Osho Zen Tarot Deck
"Each figure in this mandala holds the right hand up, in an attitude of receiving, and the left hand down, in an attitude of giving. The whole circle creates a tremendous energy field that takes on the shape of the double dorje, the Tibetan symbol for the thunderbolt. The mandala has a quality like that of the energy field that forms around a buddha, where all the individuals taking part in the circle make a unique contribution to create a unified and vital whole. It is like a flower, whose wholeness is even more beautiful than the sum of its parts, at the same time enhancing the beauty of each individual petal.
You have an opportunity to participate with others now to make your contribution to creating something greater and more beautiful than each of you could manage alone. Your participation will not only nourish you, but will also contribute something precious to the whole." - Osho Zen Tarot Deck
I love the art on that Tarot deck! Truly inspirational. Thanks for sharing this!
Beautiful tarots!
Thank you for sharing, I'm following you :)
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