Tarot Card of the Day: Wisdom

in #tarot7 years ago (edited)

Credits for the Dreams of Gaia Tarot deck go to its talented creator Ravynne Phelan

Hello everyone, this is today's reading for those involved in a relationship...

True wisdom cannot be learned by books. Knowledge will not help you being wiser. You had some experiences in your love life, like we all did, but what have you learned by those experiences?

You may have read a lot of books or you have already consulted a specialist seeking from them to provide you with an answer on your problem. Have you been wondering what love is and have you been trying to find the answer through common ways?

Forget what you have been knowing so far about wisdom. Self-knowledge is the key to true wisdom and it can't be learned by books.

First, you must gain knowledge from your own mistakes, from previous relationships that didn't work out. Look into your soul and deeply acknowledge your "dark" side in order to brake the cycle of misfortune in your love life.

Now, you can identify what makes you so unique and when you will succeed into truly understand your own self on some level, then you must realise that your love life - as well as all the areas of your life - is designed by many different options.

There's actually a variety of possible destinations for you. How far can you reach? Nobody knows...

Books have taught you the way to think sensible and experiences have taught you that some things may not last forever. Hold that thought and move on without being afraid of risking because the wise person knows that there are things which they most possibly know now, things that are not meant or that they are is not any need to know as well as there are things that will result to unfruitful thinking.

People refuse to move on in their love life because they prefer wasting time by speculating about the way that things could have been in the future or even worse: how things could have been in the past!

But there is no absolute truth and our reality is a going through a creative process of changing of energies.

See beyond stereotypes and any kind of opinions that you have created for your own self. Opinions are not objective and they confuse people on their way to the path of self-development. Stereotypes create limitations and they make us see our life through other people's eyes...

So, make a small step to wisdom today by accepting two very important facts: first accept the fact that you don't know, you are an ignorant and secondly start by thinking what kind of intentions you have towards yourself and then towards your loved ones.

The path of wisdom involves not to depend on another person's perspective, avoid judging in a harsh way, have an open-mind, not to surrender into your fears but to embrace them because after all you are a human and they are a part of who you are and be mindful or in other words, learn or at least try to live for the moment.

Wisdom can't be taught but it's a treasure hunting game which needs focus, understanding and it is originated from a truthful intention to heal ourselves mentally and spiritually as well.