Tarot Tuesday - 5 card general reading for May 15th - 21st

in #tarottuesday6 years ago (edited)

Welcome to the #TarotTuesday party!
Do you love tarot, too? - Feel free to join in and do a tarot related post on Tuesdays!
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I’ve been practicing tarot privately for about 15 years but I'm finally ready to get out there and help others with my cards! I know readings can change mindsets and bring true solutions to many. Tarot readings are a wonderful way to connect to your inner self and learn where you can improve.

I’ll provide the book’s interpretation as well as my understanding of the cards and go into a bit more detail in the dtube video - so be sure to check out the video to get a more in depth explanation of your card.

A Quick Bit About My Deck

My deck The Fairy Ring is based in Celtic myths and legends.

As with the traditional tarot, my cards have four suits - but are represented by the four seasons. There are four court cards for each season which have a general meaning as well as could possibly point to a specific type of real person. Also there are eight festival cards which represent the chief fairy feasts/holidays (similar to the traditional major arcana) which have general meanings but can also point to specific times of the year.

Choose one card (or 2 or 3 or all - it’s whatever you want) which you are drawn to.

Please note cards are 1 - 5 left to right - sorry forgot to add the banner!

Now that you've chosen your card(s) scroll down to see your message!

Please enjoy
This original word art
From my Instagram
while you scroll

Here's the spread for this week:

Had a bit of technical difficulties, did not realize the video cut off LOL This second video is all about the cards as a general 5 card reading for the week so, if you want to choose all the cards and use that as your reading, I have continued it below:

If you're short on time and can't watch the video feel free to read the descriptions below:

1. Two of Spring | Leprechaun

Book’s Interpretation - reversed

The Leprechaun reversed is telling you to prepare to seize unexpected opportunities. Success comes from learning new things.

My Thoughts

When the Leprechaun appears reversed the cards want you to get ready for some surprises and changes! Could be a change of career or a chance to travel that pops up out of nowhere. If you’re offered a chance to do something new jump at it! This is the universe at work lining you up for a chance at success. The big message here is success will come from learning or trying some new thing.

2. Two of Winter | Trow

Book’s Interpretation

When the Trow creeps into your spread, someone is taking advantage of your good nature. People who make no effort of their own are abusing your generosity. Inconsiderate guests may outstay their welcome and abuse your hospitality.

My Thoughts

The Trow appears to warn that you may have friends or relatives who are taking advantage of you at the moment. This may be a friend who borrows money from you only to never repay you or extended family visiting and overstepping their boundaries. It could be a wake up call that you’re acting like a doormat. This energy can manifest in many ways but the main message is to open yours eyes up to those around you and how they are treating you. Do you have someone who expects you to drop everything and come to their rescue continuously? Or maybe a friend who sucks up all your precious time with petty complaints and drama? Be careful where and how you spend your time - you can never get it back!

3. Fair Festival | Beltane

Book’s Interpretation

Beltane heralds mighty forces of strength, blossoming, flourishing, growth, happiness, marriage, new relationships, fertility and energy.

My Thoughts

The Beltane energy is still hanging around - which is awesome! I talked about this last week but Beltane is a heavily weighted card with big energies surrounding it. It’s all about the birth of new ideas, motivations and energies. The blossoming and fruition of hard work, as well as the calling together of new relationships. Perhaps you’re meeting new friends or have met a new romantic partner. Maybe you’re planning a wedding or a baby shower. It could even be a mental blossoming - which most of us feel as we transition out of winter and into spring - where you’re ready to dust off those cobwebs and get a new project going. Whatever it is the energy is there and waiting - it will be no surprise if all your ambitions align nicely and things just “seem to work out” in your favor this week.

4. Knave of Sumer | Robin Goodfellow

Book’s Interpretation

Robin Goodfellow heralds fun and good-hearted mischief. There are adventures in the offing, new experiences, entertainment and celebrations. May be a real person: a young man who is fearless, witty, impetuous, and always ready for excitement. He is quick tempered and hates injustice of any kind, and will speak out against it.

My Thoughts

Robin Goodfellow is all about light heartedness and good times. This card brings in innocent and honest fun to the table. You may find joy in the small things or even have a good laugh at a practical joke of some kind. Dare to dance like no one’s watching and you will find yourself happier than ever. Maybe you’ve got some parties or celebrations lined up or you need one - LOL - take a sporadic adventure somewhere or throw a party for no good reason if you must, but get that carefree energy flowing! If you are feeling the exact opposite of fun right now the cards could be telling you to reach out to a young (or even young at HEART) male energy in your life. Laughter is the best medicine so visit or give a call to that Robin Goodfellow in your life and I bet he will have a fun surprise for you.

5. Nine of Spring | Pixie

Book’s Interpretation

You have been going through a difficult time, but the playful Pixies are asking you to stop taking everything so seriously and lighten up! Laughter can be a great antidote to the trials of life. Remember when you were a child and the world was a wonderous and exciting place? Try to recover a little of this feeling.

My Thoughts

I love seeing the Pixie card pop up. It’s a card that each time I see it, I can’t help but laugh. Everyone can get bogged down with life, there will always be tough times and obstacles but what source wants you to remember is that no one gets out alive - so lighten up! There is a time and place for seriousness but now is not the time. Take a break and a breather. Allow yourself laugh and if you’re so up tight that you cannot make yourself laugh - well, google a joke or youtube “funny videos” and get that soul lifted! Be easy on yourself and try to reclaim a bit of the joy and curiosity you used to have as a child. If this is especially hard for you then go hang out with a baby - up to 5 years old even, those little ones can brighten anyone’s heart. Take a note out of their book and follow in line if need be.. Watch how they play, how the look at the world and try to copy them.

I hope you could relate to the card(s) you chose and the message the Fairies had for you!
stop by next Tuesday for another 5 card spread.


I do not claim to see the future or the past. I personallyl am not a psychic or medium. My cards are a connection to the higher source and they provide guidance. I simply use my intuition and understanding to interpret the message.

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time.

If you've ever been interested in Tarot I'd love to hear from you!

I offer readings as well as instructional advice for those who have an interest in learning. However, no one can teach you tarot, it is a personal journey and a soul connection with your deck that must be molded over time. Please feel free to send me an email if you'd like a private reading: [email protected] or find me on discord: amariespeaks#9425

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Hello from the Steemit Tarot community!

@steemittarot began as a way to curate all the Tarot Tuesday posts that starting popping up on the site. Now the hope is to connect all readers, people interested in learning about the cards, and other assorted people bearing good juju.

To this end, your post has been resteemed and/or upvoted. To find out more, check out the intro post here.

Do you have someone who expects you to drop everything and come to their rescue continuously? Or maybe a friend who sucks up all your precious time with petty complaints and drama?

Umm yes! You always know how to speak right to me through your cards.

thanks @magicalmoonlight ! So happy you got the message <3 keep those boundaries girl! Don't be afraid to tell someone to stfu hahah no say it nicely ;-) but say it you can never get those minutes (or hours) back

thanks so much for stopping by!

Knave of Sumer | Robin Goodfellow!
Gosh Love it!
This is what I need! hehe

take a sporadic adventure somewhere

And this explains my son!

a young man who is fearless, witty, impetuous, and always ready for excitement

Thank You!

yay! so happy you saw your message in there @iexplore :-D definitely sounds like a perfect fit - maybe take that son of yours on an unexpected adventure! <3


I'm just not sure if this is childish enough.

LOL where did you find this?? - it's perfectly childish ;-)

Was in the secret vault 👀

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Spreading the STEEMIT LOVE with upvotes and resteems of INSPIRING, MOTIVATIONAL & POSITIVE Steemit content. Use #theluvbug to get my attention :)



Your son is so cute! :) I chose 2 and 4 but 2 really stood out for me. I just choose 4 because I want a second card hehe

I think it's a good warning especially at work where colleagues just pass work to me or bosses who just impose new rules and we're just expected to say yes. As for 4, I'm just okay these days but not in the happy zone. Now thinking of someone young hearted I can reach too.

Thanks for this <3

thank you @wanderlass <3 <3 I feel your pain with card 2 - it is very difficult to stand your ground especially in work situations, if you get pinned as that person then everyone will pass their work off to you (I've definitely been there.) I hope you find your voice and remember to value your time :-D definitely try reaching out to any silly, lighthearted and energetic male I'm sure he can give you a good laugh, at least, which may relieve your current oppressed feelings from card 2.
Glad to see you stop by my dear!

Amazing how you connected card 4 to card 2! I will be on the look out for that fun male :)

Can you give readings over the net or does one have to be in your immediate vicinity? I have been wanting a reading for quite some time now, as I believe myself to be going through something rather profound. The fact that your deck is celtic has driven me to ask this, for I am mostly Scottish, and so it seems to be rather appropriate.

ohhh definitely :) the deck would certainly be a good match! I do readings online quite a bit and have gotten very good feedback so I feel rather confident that its more of a thought energy kinda thing than a need to be directly in my presence. Are you on discord? feel free to DM me over there amariespeaks#9425 and we can chat about a reading. If you don't do discord you can email directly at [email protected]
thanks for asking! If you're feeling the urge to connect - then the time is right! ;-)