All trying to write a good article, progress So-so!! Lol (+18)

in #tattoos9 years ago (edited)

This article contains adult material, ask anyone under 18 years old do not go!

Статья содержит материалы для взрослых, прошу кто младше 18 лет не заходить!

Image of Yaktocat

Really liked the article @photography about Russian tattoos, I wanted to try to reveal it in a previous blog. It turned out not what I wanted. This is my second attempt to write an article on this subject, see what happens.

Long study of the entire Internet and a couple of books from the shelf led me to one of the Russian sites about tattoos. I spend on consideration of all the photos for about 5 hours. Some photos of tattoos very much frightened, and on the other, I will laugh for a long time (just ask forgiveness if someone is offended by this, but they are really funny). I hasten to share just the site itself and photos of tattoos (stigma) that amused and frightened. Perhaps the site you will find something fun for myself ;)
So, let's start with ridiculous.

  1. Art, rare. Copy to CTI-9. 1986 p> Youth comic tattoo, which has among the prisoners called "Duet with bells." Sometimes it is accompanied by the text, as a rule, criminal vulgar ditties.

  2. And this tattoo puzzled, each friend has a butterfly on the body (with a lot of tattoos butterflies) ......... .. Tattoo prostitutes killed in the den on Ligovsky pr., 126. Copy to the morgue on Zagorodny pr., 47 in 1964. Pubis. p> The image of women in the crown, making a blowjob and holding in the hands of the penis, butterfly, on the wings of which are depicted hearts, daisy flowers. Killed was bright natural blonde with the right, handsome features. In all likelihood, these tattoos were made in the Baltic region, where our prostitutes often went "on tour".
    as you?

  3. The meaning of tattoos - "Husband and wife - the family of thieves." Abbreviation Irk the Center - "And the separation seems to hell if you do not have a number." Abdomen, thighs. Romantically :heart: .

But these tattoos scared for his cruelty, I would not like to meet people with the tattoos on his body.

  1. Youth. It symbolizes the cruelty and ruthlessness. ITK-7, 60-ies. Abdomen, thighs.
    Tattoos, symbolizing the executioner, committing on behalf of the camp authorities massacre of delinquent zekami in the area. Carriers of these tattoos tend to sadism and insolent hooliganism, in prison they are called "soldiers", "voydotami", "wetted", "bulls" and "frost-bitten".

  2. Thieves, "nationalist" convict-Old Believer. CTI "Stroykrasmasha" Art. Yenisey Krasnoyarsk Territory. 50-ies. Stomach. It has a pronounced nationalistic. It symbolizes ruthless followers, "Great idea" to all "aliens". Characteristic for the "fighters", "howl-bunkers", "wetted".
  3. Thieves. Copy to morgue Hospital. Konyashin on Moskovsky pr., 104. R-St. July 1966. Chest, left side. July 18, 1966 about three o'clock in the morning, armed with a knife tried repeatedly I. Tikhonov, with the aim of mastering service weapon, attacked a militiaman Moscow RUM Stepanova at the House of Culture. Ilyich on Moskovsky Prospekt. Suddenly jumped out of the bushes square offender was killed on the spot.

And a lot of pictures, and that 1000 years is not enough to put everything here.
Tell us what kind of feelings you caused data tattoos? Now I still can not imagine how such a packed (and some are now hitting) and how tattoos have changed today (just a huge gap from the fact that it was).

And as promised link to the website for more detailed consideration

Thank you for attention! :) EMOJI still can not set, but still in the front.