Introducing The Centre Stage; Nominate Authors, Reward Quality.


Image source.

See there's a big problem with the #nigeria community and we need your help! Did I sound convincing enough? We really do need your help.

The Problem

Over time, we at @onequality have heard the cries of most newbies and oldbies on steemit; the cries of everyone. We actually listen! These cries all point to the issues of visibility and reward. It is why we see comments like this one below.

I spent twenty four hours researching that mind blowing article and I posted. It has been 7 hours and it has only gotten 2 views, and $0.00 reward.

It has happened to all of us here at one time or the other and we all know the answer all these so called experts will give? First person to tell me this answer will win a mystery gift!

With an average of 100,000 posts daily and 466K+ accounts, it is easy for a great post to fall through the cracks and go unnoticed notwithstanding all the tactics you employ. These things happen. Many of us aren't here for the money alone but the same way likes and comments on other social networks (that don't even pay) have a way of making us feel fulfilled, comments, votes, and the money have a way of making us fulfilled here too. No one wants to come back to their post 1 hour later and be greeted with zero engagement.

Some other suggestions on how to beat the zero engagement demon makes it feel like we have to kiss ass regularly in other to get stuff on here but nobody should have to feel that way. You shouldn't have to have to begin and maintain a conversation (you're not interested in) with a curator just to get noticed! It's simply not it.

A Solution?


The change starts with me!

You now have the power to do something about this issue (at least that's what we think) and we fully believe in you. We trust that the clamor for change will drive you to run with this and see where it leads. The truth is, there's no one better suited for this task than you and that's why we're screaming at the top of our voices here at the Onequality HQ...

We need you!

We have noticed that you read a lot of posts from #nigeria every day; some of them bleh, some of them yay. We know this from the reaction on your face from the moment you spot the title of the post, the thumbnail, and the first three lines. We know that you sometimes quit reading some posts halfway because you just can't stomach it anymore. We also know that once in a while, you come across a post that blows your mind and it's at that point you realize that your big $0.02 upvote isn't doing justice to the quality of the post you just read!

It's at these times we want to come in.

What's The Deal?

We'll love you to be that guy that curates that high-quality content and brings it to our attention. We have something special and no it's not the regular curation you're familiar with. Heck, it's not even an upvote! Interest piqued? Keep reading.

We are offering you the chance to be a scout and spot the next Lionel Messi! The chance to nominate that great post that deserves more reward for their effort is here and we'll be doing it in style :)

Every scout (the steemian nominating a post) starts off with 5 stars. Each successful nominated post earns you half a star. Each rejected post deducts a full star from your ranking. If for whatever reason you're left with 0 stars, you'll no longer be able to nominate posts that'll be considered.

The Rules


  • Nominations open on Mondays (12:00 am) and closes on Fridays (11:59 pm). This means only posts published and submitted within this time frame are eligible.

  • You should not nominate your own post.

  • The post must be made by a Nigerian using the Nigeria tag ( #nigeria ).

  • Scouts are limited to just 2 nomination slots every week (use wisely).

  • All successfully nominated posts will be compiled and the "author of the week" announced on Sunday.

  • Author of the week receives a $25 SBD gift while the first scout to nominate the author gets a $5 SBD gift.


Well because everyone has them these days, here are some of ours!

Why Can't I Nominate My Own Post

Well, because any time I look in the mirror, I see the most handsome guy in the world but reality thinks different (not like Apple though).

How To Nominate Posts

At the start of every week, an update is published indicating the opening of nominations. All nominated links are to be submitted as replies to that post. Every time you find a post you want to nominate, you should copy its link and come back to the Update Post to drop it as a comment. Remember you're limited to just 2 nomination slots.

Why Just 2 Nomination Slots?

We know that with just 2 slots and 7 whole days available, you'll be in a much better position to nominate the best of the best and not just the good enough. We really don't want to have to be sifting through too many below par posts.

How's The Author Of The Week Selected?

Well let's just say the judges have the final say. We know you must have gone through the hard work of nominating only top quality stuff so we trust your judgement and all we have to do is just pick one out of the deserving posts.

Is This Some Sort Of Game?

Not really! It's serious business but a little gamification doesn't hurt now, does it? There'll be some secret leaderboard for both scouts and authors and we may choose to reveal these whenever we please (bear with the rhymes). Surprises might exist for table toppers ;)

What's More?

We never really mentioned there was more but now that you've asked, the Author of the Week gets a full feature on our rusty new (strange combo of words yeah?) platform; @thecentrestage so go follow now in order not to miss some never before seen gist about all those who become our Author of the Week! It's like watching them answer questions on the hot seat ;)

More questions? Ask away in the comments section!

Please resteem and call in all the favors you can. Let no one say they had no idea about this.

Are you ready? Be on the lookout for the #tcs-announcement post on Monday to kickoff Week 01!


It has happened to all of us here at one time or the other and we all know the answer all these so called experts will give?

you have to comment on others post, participate and take steemit like a social media, don't come with the mindset to earn as you will be frustrated and eventually live @onequality

Congratulations! You just won yourself an 100% upvote on this comment and a 3 SBD complementary gift. You didn't only answer correctly, you were spot on and we sure were impressed.

wow thanks
Never expected it much appreciated
You just made my day on steemit with the above gift and upvote

Really interesting, and timely too! Count me in on this. Love the initiative.

Steem on.

Great! We can't wait to begin receiving your entries once the nominations are open on Monday!



Life is good with @onequality.

Amazing post and who says I can't be a curator. Now I am a curator.

Dancing activated.

Let me go and be looking for amazing post ni Kai Kai.



Haha! Just in case you need magnifying lens, we might be able to send some your way for a few thousand STEEM ;)

This is amazing, I'm in!!!

Great! Spread the word and wait for Monday!

I like the initiative has been on my mind how lots of good posts go unnoticed and how dissappointing it feels. I have my own experience and I ve heard from others. So I think this is really good....Thank you for this..

We know! We know! We have all had that feeling. Now you've got the power to reduce the number of people that get to feel that way.

Spread the word! And see you on Monday when nominations open :)

Oh yes! Let's go searching! Now it's time for me to nominate all those awesome posts with zero rewards. Who said life's not good? Steemit is just becoming awesome by the second and @onequality is that icing on the cake. Let's go people! 🚀💯

We trust you'll submit only top top quality posts! It's time to encourage those authors that make us go wow!

Spread the word!

Oh yes. Top quality or nothing. It's @onequality so quality should reign supreme :)

This is a great initiative, number one is that it’ll gravitate Nigerians to creating high quality posts, number two (very important) it’s a kind of ‘Bema’ I assumed we know the meaning; this initiative will bring Nigerians together than ever before, it’s a kind of scrutinizing brook, now we all has become the watchdogs to ourselves! Isn’t that great? Well to me, it’s awesome. we all has become the watchdogs to ourselves!

Exactly! It's what we hope to achieve and you're spot on with that comment.

This is reslly a good insight @onequality. At least bunches of good posts out there will get attention and the authors of such will be motivated.

That's what we hope to achieve!

Wow this's a very great idea
Thanks guys @onequality