Gov attacks facebook for freedom?

in #teamaustralia7 years ago


With the digital arms race full steam ahead, is the fed really looking out to protect our digital footprint ?


after watchjng the fed grill mark zukkerboy this week regarding data retention i have a feeling the facebook don might actually have a more pure intentions when protecting personal information..


the hearing reminds me of the backlash i was given speaking up about the injustices of marijuana regulation when i was forced to enter a drug information session after being caught with half a gram of weed.. i rarely have been in trouble with the law so to save my ass after being outed from the preverial weed closet i chose to complete the info session, but after speaking out to the counsellor about how unfair the system seemed to me in what i was told was a benign counseling session i was forced to nearly loose my working with children licence.. i have spent the last 6 months fighting to keep my working with children licence because i was not made aware of the true consequences of the drug information session, it was infact not a casual information session but an avenue to create consequence. so the older i get the more critical i have become when trusting the officials, operating under the cloak of "greater good" can give the opportunity to take more than whats fair.. there is always an agenda that is being played out when dealing with the gov.

But could the us gov be upset they dont have full control of the countries digital footprint? If safety measures have been put in place to protect from terror what other motives could move the gov to put pressure on facebook ? How about mass influence and surveillance.....


with the ongoing censorship of anything crypto related, facebook has left a poor taste in my mouth of recent.. but to see mark being completely grilled whilst in the tight grip of the system i cant help but feel bad for the guy.. like he mentioned in the hearing that lasted more than two days " it was not long ago facebook was being run out of a garage in califonia"..

If you have not seen the hearings you can find the video footage on the cnn facebook page, worth the watch..


He didn't get grilled at all. Instead senators (not the Fed) asked him stupid questions like "why I'm I seeing ads about chocolate?" and "how do you sustain a business model in which users don’t pay for your service?". Their questions were shit and his answers were shit. Plus with less than 5 mins each to ask questions, they really had no time to dig into the important stuff anyway, despite touching on some of the important issues. The whole thing was a complete farce.

I thought he looked so stressed out.. and the senators were playing good cop bad cop

I felt like they had an agenda already and were flexing their power, like if mark slipped up and said the wrong thing he could be in for millions of dollars of fines ect.

Like the senators were fishing for a reason to further impose punishment and control on facebook and mark.. they want our digital info.

You seriously think he wasnt grilled? I rewatched today and he was on the bbq hard! Lol image

Yeah it's all bullshit, the NSA,CIA,& FBI all use facebook for data gathering themselves.
Snowden proved what everyone suspected - that there is no privacy on the web and now they are running this big charade as a PR campaign to pretend there is.

Such a charade. the fed alredy decided what they were going to do before it even started.