Not really sure what all these police and firefighters were doing here on Donor Ave. in Elmwood Park, NJ earlier tonight. Looked like they had someone's appliances out on the lawn, working on them with power tools. But I'm no fan of the police so I didn't stick around to ask what was going on.

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they were probably looking for drugs? Those piggies usually stock up on that stuff
LOL maybe, but that doesn't explain all the rescue trucks and what appears to be someone's stacked washer/dryer out on the lawn.
Plus ... while I can pretty much end any sentence with, "And fuck the police," they've been to my downstairs neighbor's apartment a few times for whatever reasons and totally ignored the overwhelming smell of cannabis emanating from it. Which is good, 'cause the guy's a dick but smoking pot shouldn't be a crime. Kind of annoying that he's stinking up my apartment with it and not sharing though ...
they were money lawndering :P
Tyger, Tiger, Tye-Grrrr you Did it AGAIN!
"Wow, that is a LOT of POE-LEEESE!"
Sounds like a hick from my area :D lmao
I do? Well ... I am from rural southern New Mexico. Which is always funny when people in New Jersey tell me I have an accent. Though they don't really say, "I'm wokkin heeyuh!" like many seem to believe. They just try to run you over then charge you with assault after they injure themselves masturbating.
I think it was just all the blinky lights, really...
Nyce BannerZ fur @sapphic
This man and his cult are killing people with V2K. I have put up with their dumb shit for over 3 years. He is oozing pompous unchecked power. History will not be kind to @fystikken. is part of the gang stalking group ran by @fyrstikken, that uses Voice to Skull. This comment is here to let people know. They use this for market manipulation and greed. Low life pieces of shit. I hope you rot it prison or worse.
This is not a warning, it's a fact. Voice to skull will read your thoughts first without your knowledge for a long time, to map you. They then include transmitting self octave scale-able comments into your head to a tight, pulsed pace, indefinitely. Any brain activity, even the smallest, will trigger this when sound is turned on. You have to do all of your thinking around this. It is extreme torture, done by monsters.
It's interesting that this is the only place on the internet that has an actual source of where a form of V2K is coming from. Go figure.
This should worry government V2K, as they are not the only ones using it.
Governments be warned. Heads will roll, not eyes.
Better start packing.
@fyrstikken your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special, your so special.