Growing TeamMalaysia | The Upvote Heroes !
Hey TeamMalaysia users
I managed to extract data of everyone who uses the tag teammalaysia over the past 30 days and calculate how many votes they did over the past 30 days. There were indeed a few surprises.
Quick Stats on TeamMalaysia tag users over past 30 days
- Total No. Authors : 744
- Total No. of upvotes done by tag users : 215,200
Here are the results of the top 100 upvoters ! This is over the past 30 days how many votes was cast by individuals who had used the TeamMalaysia tags in the past 30 days.
How I obtain the data ?
Thanks to @carlgnash who had helped with the SQL Query. You can run this as well if you would like to see all the stats. You would require to run separate queries to firstly obtain the userlist for the tag.
char(39) + author + char(39) + ', '
Comments (NOLOCK)
ISJSON(json_metadata) > 0
AND 'teammalaysia' IN ( SELECT value FROM OPENJSON(json_metadata,'$.tags'))
AND datediff(day, created, GETDATE()) between 0 and 30
AND depth = 0
Once you have obtain the userlist you would need to do another query to obtain the voting count which is based on the userlist results from the above query
voter, COUNT(permlink)
datediff(day, timestamp, GETDATE()) between 0 and 30
voter asc
That should be able for you to obtain the results as above. Just have to remember the longer the time gap eg. 60 days or 90 days , the longer your entire query will take.
So are you not utilising your upvotes ?
I do understand and respect that you would only vote on quality content which we all would love to do as well. I do suggest that you could follow credible curation trails. The once I follow is @curie , another would be @sndbox and of course if you would like to continuously support #teammalaysia then do follow @teammalaysia curation trail .
How do I follow a trail ?
One of the easiest way to follow a trail is to use
You could register yourself first and once you login . On the left menu click Curation Trails and then search for teammalaysia trail
Once you have found it , just click follow and then set your parameters or you could leave it at default. To make sure you do not run out of voting power , you could set the voting % to around 20% . If you set it too low vote may not follow the trail as it would categorized as dust votes and will drop from the trail, unless you have more then 200 steem power then you can set it to below 10%
If you are planning to go to the jungles for awhile and would like to continue voting , just the curation trail. At least you can obtain curation rewards even though you are away from technology.
Upvoting is a crucial segment of the Steem Blockchain as no one would be able to earn anything if upvotes are not being distributed around. By using steemauto and following a curation trail, you are placing your trust in that individual to cast your votes for you. So do research which curation trails that you are following.

I'm in the list! Yay! :D
haha .. nice
Thanks for the support @bitrocker2020...
You are the best...👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
How to use SQL Query? Need to use a certain program?
first you need a subscription to arcange SteemSql .. is one way of doing it. there are many methods of accessing the DB to pull out data
10 SBD per month for subscription fee 😅
you got free alternative?
I paid 10 SBD, other choices is using SteemData which uses MongoDB NoSQL, and it is free, but need to learn MongoDB. You can check my post about MongoDB tutorial. (My tutorial more towards general MongoDB)
Some of us even prefer MongoDB to SQL because it's simply more programmatic and integrates with already extant programming languages a lot more fluidly. SQL syntax is far too reminiscent of COBOL for me; I can do without those particular combat flash backs.
I never see this line of query before
AND 'teammalaysia' IN ( SELECT value FROM OPENJSON(json_metadata,'$.tags'))
maybe need to study SQL more hehe
yea man ... @carlgnash is brilliant at it
More upvote means we are supportive in a way. My vote as for now is pretty much useless, but I still want to show support to others. Following the trail is the easiest way to show support to others if we are busy.
exactly thats true
Great info @bitrocker2020, and it definitely helps for own research to study your upvote trend.
I am surprised! 🤓
thats the great part about statistics .. helps us analize so we can improve further
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Brought to you by @tts. If you find it useful please consider upvote this reply.
Well done, thankyou to all heroes..wish my name appear on the list, in the future..😬
Mee to lorh @channelcalestus...
follow trail easier .. and you still control your VP
I'm No#35! Awesome! Very interesting metrics and stats.
yea =D