Circumstances Guiding Life Decision

While at Shanghai, I learn the news that my nomination for presidency for association that I am with was accepted yet disqualified as I was not there during the election.

I was ask if I was dissapointment that no consideration was given even after appeal as my trip here was last minute along with other reason given.

My response were that I am happy that the election went smoothly and that they stick to adhere to the rule of the association constitution.

In all honesty, my trip here in Shanghai has highest importance than the nomination, and it's just matter of choice and circumstances.


Life is as such where at times you will be at the crossroad in decision making, whatever decision you make one must not look back with regret.

It may be a disqualification or to some a lost there, but it's a huge win here in Shanghai, here is where it matters the most.

There are times, Some door are meant to be closed for you so you are guided to see other window of opportunity.

I am truly blessed.

Having said that, this is my message to my supporters, after seeing some unpleasant messages after defeat.

I know the outcome is bitter. On my part, I apologize for not being there with you. Here is my thoughts.

There is a need to eliminate the concept of division of language proficiency and race. The conversation on one group versus another group should end.

The focus must be toward positivity to gain trust and respect of each other.

Everyone must support and respect the elected exco as much as we expect them to do so if we are elected.

Gain their trust, so one day the conversation of minority vs majority is non existence in our vocabulary so we all can work together as one.
Let's start from ourselves to get positivity rolling and the goal of unity regardless of language proficiency and race can be celebrated again.

Best wishes
Daniel Doughty


Good speech, especially that you leave your own emotions out of it. A great leader works for something beyond his self, a vision for all.

Cheers for the comment bro

Well said bro !! Meeting with chai for the de-brief later as i was disqualified too .. will feed back to you soon

OK bro. Cheers