Round Two - OK BAH Open Mic Contest
Ladies and Gentlemen, Round Two is of OK Bah Open Mic Contest is here, The winner of the previous round is not allowed to participate. Previous Winner will enter go to direct to finale.
So what are you waiting for. Get on the MIc and Sing your heart out.

So, here is the rules.
It is a singing sort of an open mic contest, you may choose to do it with background music, instrument, full band, karaoke, or perhaps without nothing at all, just your voice. its really up to you. All i care is to hear you sing.
You choose your choice of song. in whatever language.
You need to video yourself singing the song, it doesn't have to be fancy, put up your phone, put on video click record and sing. as simple as that.
The winner will get 6 Steem. In addition, whatever i collected on this Announcement post-payout, half of the SBD will be given to the winner.
Whoever wishes to participate will be required to Follow me, Upvote and Resteem this post.
Your entry post with video of you singing will be required to place on this post comment.
Closing time and date of Entry is at 12 midnight 5th February 2018 and i will post the Voting list of participant immediately.
Winner will be selected by the highest number of vote.
after 12 midnight on the 8th February 2018, votes wil not be counted, Winner will be announced Afterward. If you didn't follow me, upvote this post and resteem. You will be disqualified, second place will get it and so on.
If there is a tie break , Guest Judge will be call on to decide the winner.
If there is only one entry, that will automatically be the winner.
Before singing, Hold up a Sign thats says " OK BAH Open Mic Contest " and dont forget to say hello to everyone. LOL
All the best to you, and remember to have fun.
Ada kemungkinan, yang memungkinkan saya untuk join contest ini 😂. Tengoklah dulu, suara saya sumbang bah...
jom busking
sa mo nyanyi bah tapi sa takut donggongon banjir. lol
OK bah, ikut ka.. For the fun of it. You never know , you could win it
Here's my entry :)
Good luck
This video was taken by my nephew, when we went for Happy Hour last week. I was singing a Song, and he was taking a picture , immediate thought of my brother @danieldoughty contest. Bah .. Quickly i ask my nephew to record.
Thats why you will see the video the beginning part of the song its not recorded. When i look at the video, it was poor quality due nephew handphone (paham la kan). Thinking whether or not to submit, for me to be honest i just wanna have fun lah... since also @danieldoughty say " it doesn't have to be fancy, put up your phone, put on video click record and sing. as simple as that".
Since recorded with no paper print "Ok Bah Singing Contest", i took the liberty to extract the video from hp to my laptop and video myself in office holding the signage "Ok Bah Singing Contest" (my colleagues thought i was crazy -hahaha) and Re-Edit - Rejoin Both Video's together ... Fuhhh ... took me 1hour juga lah belajar editing video...
Without further due ... Enjoy Ya.. "Just Once by James Ingram" after 3 mug of beer .. Hehe
please resend video bro, it is unavailable to view
awesome bro.
Bro just realise im the only one post the video direct to your comment .. malu siaaa... lol 😂
Good that you make about about it and make some kaching along the way, might as well right. And put up the link on the comment here.
ya juga kan bro.. ba2 .. later i post lah ... good luck to all candidates.
Ahh ok done... thks for the highlight ...
I don't. I think embarassment is a pretty strange emotion. I don't really understand it.