Artificial Intelligence

in #teammalaysia5 years ago (edited)

Artificial Intelligence
By: Andrea

When we say about Artificial Intelligence (AI), we would only think about the robots who resemble humans. That is not entirely correct. According to my own understanding, all robots including machines that help humans on their daily basis are counted as AI. For instance, those robots used in factories, the voice we usually use in Google and the famous human-like robot named Sophia. They are all artificial intelligence. They were created to help humans and make our lives easier. However, because of this, humans become too dependent on AI. When that happens, more people would create AI, use them and replaces human with AI as a worker since AI do works better than human. This phenomenon gives human disadvantages despite it being done in order to make our lives easier.

When having too much AI in the occupation industry, more jobs will disappear in the future. This is because the workers are being replaced by robots. There are some articles on the internet that predict the types of jobs that will most likely disappear in the future. One of them is doctors. This is because there are already AI that can give a diagnose to the patient accurately based on the symptoms shown by the body. Even for teachers, nowadays most students learn more through the internet and the internet is able to give them more answers than teachers can.

However, when we say having AI in the occupation industry is not good, that is not true as well. This is because as we all know, technology helped humans a lot in their daily lives and most of our lives are heavily influenced by technology. Therefore, to cut down the technology abruptly is irrational as well. We cannot just force the government to stop using AI in the occupation industry because the workload that can be done by AI is not at the same pace as humans. Industry such as factories especially needs more AI to help them since they are producing an enormous amount of products in one day and humans would not be able to keep up with the work.

Therefore, in order to keep up with technology, we need to equip ourselves with more skills as well. Even though robots are good at doing hard skills that are needed in the occupation industry, they cannot do the work that requires soft skills such as communication and empathy. Therefore, we need to strengthen the soft skills that we have and if possible, learn more skills so that we can switch our work to another work anytime whenever necessary without having too much trouble with it. So, in other words, the young generations nowadays have to become multi-talented people in order to compete with the technology-based world.

In conclusion, having AI doing the work for us is not bad because there are some things that humans cannot afford to do due to many reasons such as stamina, health, age and more. That is why, no matter what, we still need AI in our lives. However, we should not leave everything to AI as well. We need to prepare ourselves as well be move along with the technology that is constantly improving. We need to keep improving ourselves so that we would not be left behind.