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RE: The Battle Against Postpartum Depression #teammalaysia #tellyourstory2018

what an honest recount of your story. it is not easy to open up your heart like that and share it with the world. but truly, thank you for this. i think its a story often left untold , and will do a lot of good to make other young mothers aware of where to turn if they feel the struggle as well. thank you for sharing <3


I have found, in my area anyways, that depression is looked upon negatively, which is why it is not spoken of much here. It is hard to find understanding even when you think people will, and they just turn around on you. Another hard thing is finding the right person/social worker to talk to that will take the person seriously and is really willing to help heal. I wish to pay it forward to another person in need by telling my story and if seeked, telling them more about the products I used to get better. Thank you for reading and commenting. I appreciate that very much :) xx