STEEMIT - Saving The Environment

My home is just a 100 meters away from the beach and the sound of the waves and breeze in the air is really soothing. It's not like the beaches that you see in the movies such as 'Baywatch' or 'The Beach', it's just a normal beach nothing fancy.

My Place (Image Source - Google Earth)

I do sometimes bring my daughter for a walk by the beach, where she loves to play the soft sands and collect sea shells. It's this kind of moment that you will cherish beyond anything else, the smile on your child's face with her hair being blown by the cooling sea breeze. Makes you forget all the troubles you have.

Teaching the #Steemit

When it's low tide

This tree inspires me...

The sad part of the story is, the amount of rubbish that has been thrown into the sea and ended up washing ashore to this beautiful and relaxing beach. Within just a 100 meters of the beach, the amount of plastic bottles, used backpack, plastics is amazing. I could just fill up one garbage bag in just 10 sq/ft of the area, it's just mind boggling how some people just throw their rubbish to the sea and just thought it will fade away...yeah right! sorry...anger kicking!

Rubbish laying around

More rubbish

We've heard a lot of marine wildlife affected by such irresponsible act by mankind. The most recent story i've heard about is a whale that had more than 30 plastics inside its stomach.

Reported by Euronews

Well, we don't have much whale over here but we do have Green Sea Turtles which are under the protected species due to caught by nets or rubbish, illegal poaching and stolen eggs. I believe @danieldoughty knows more on this, do share your thoughts.

Sea Turtle caught by rubbish

Me and my fellow #steemians @kulasago have agreed to organize a beach cleanup in this little area of ours before the end of the month. Depending on the weather as well. As we feel we have the obligation to do something right, to make right what was made wrong, to help the helpless, to go beyond where no one has gone before...oopppsss! sorry, star trek on my mind! Once we have the details, anyone who wants to join in...will be welcomed with open arms.

Anyway, we need to clean our own backyard first before organizing maybe a bigger event with STEEMIT written all over it. Imagine the publicity STEEMIT will have.

Together as Steemians...let's save the environment.

I found this whale stranded...with a!

STEEM On....


Nice post Keith. When you do the beach clean I'm sure will go through the range of emotions; you will probably enjoy yourself, do good, and be also be angered/bewildered by the shit the sea has kicked up onto the beach. I did a similar beach litter pick in Greece - and was amazed how much I collected in just a small area. AND it is way cool to be so close to the beach - so enjoy!

Thanks for sharing @cryptocurator, i will definitely enjoy myself in doing this...most of all satisfied. But first, i have to do it

Lets do this.. Steem on and clean up..

Lets do this mei...lets do it...lets go

Belum lagi bah..belum kasi bersih lagi...hehe

Very good effort there @keithmontallana.. do let us know when the date is confirmed, preferably after CNY..

yup...after CNY and depending on weather...its really windy right now.

I've just resteem you. I hope a whale will see you too!

Thanks @laineraine, i hope so too for the stranded

I am a beach lover. Rubbish on the beach makes me sick. i appreciate people who help to clean the beach and ocean.

Thanks @kokuryo, i believe we all have a part to play in this world.

Lets Get Labuan steemian involve and also do a picnic after that.

Great idea...lets do this!

Good effort on the plan to clean the beach. @diamondray proposal is equally good. That would definitely add value on the steemit platform. Cheers

Thanks Doc, will keep everyone updated on the progress...Steem On

Awesome @keithmontallana... people here dont have the sense of awareness in cleanliness esp the beaches.. actually we have nice beach here in Labuan and sabah.. the only sad part people dirty it with rubbish and waste.