The Week Was Awesome 25 Jan

in #teammalaysia6 years ago

What’s awesome about being Chinese is that you get to celebrate TWO new years. And you get money for the second one (or have to pay, depending on your status).
Thanks for following me and supporting me on steemit:

1. Memory patterns
More amazing news as AI helps in the battle against alzheimers. Now we are beginning to have a fighting chance as we get as much as six years lead before its onset!

2. What’s New with Big Blue: Quantum Blues
Welcome to the super weird world of quantum physics. You may not understand it (I was entangled with the concept of entanglement) but the real world applications are tremendous. Here’s how IBM can bring quantum computing power to you!

3. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Does anyone else sing that old song to help remind you which colour bin for which material? You know… “Brown brown glass, paper blue blue… etc”
Well apparently it’s going to get a lot lot harder to recycle.

4. A new app-roach to save the world
AI has tremendous potential to help us save the world… But sometimes, what you really need is a billion cockroaches. Thanks to a buddy for pointing out this amazing approach (haha I kill me with the puns).

5. What Kenvi learned this week: Sign Language
They’re everywhere… Youtube, Soundcloud, your grandfather’s old VCR player. Hah! Does anyone know what VCR stand for? No googling!
Anyway I was idly wondering who invented the “play”, “pause” and other ubiquitous symbols we see everywhere.

How does Batman’s mom call him for dinner?
Dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner… dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner… BATMAN!!!! (only those who watched the Adam West series will get this).