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RE: The Battle Against Postpartum Depression #teammalaysia #tellyourstory2018

in #teammalaysia7 years ago (edited)

Hey @foxyspirit, I'm with @rich-oth-hegy here; this took a lot of courage to write; actually, this took a lot of courage to admit to yourself as well. I have a friend who had a similar experience, and my son suffers from depression and anxiety. They both said that when they were in the 'throws' of if all, they couldn't 'clearly' see themselves, but when things got 'better', it was hard to imagine being that way. Not sure if that made sense to you, but what I guess I'm trying to say is that I understand and it's not your fault. Did you really hear that, "it's not your fault.

Being a mom is hard enough...we are way too hard on ourselves over everything! Please let the past be the past and give yourself the ok to move on.

You made a huge decision to help yourself, and in turn, to help your family. They are better for it and so are you. Sometimes as women and mothers, we tend to put ourselves on the back burner and try to 'fix' everyone else first. It's a terrible idea and not something we should wear as a badge of honour.

Continue to take care of yourself and those absolutely beautiful children. The upside is this: my sons are now almost 20 and 23 and when they were little, I did a million and one things with them and for them. Truthfully, they remember very little of it all :) Remember your past, but don't dwell on it...focus on the present and not the future; the future is coming whether we like it or not, and it's coming without any help or worry from us! Cheers:) (I'm also going to have to check out thank you for that !)
I'm also a part of @newbieresteemday and I'm going to come back with that 'hat' on and resteem this to our feed. It's raw and honest and certainly worth sharing!


Thank you @lynncoyle1. You are right, it is hard, we are too hard on ourselves and I really am the way you describe. I put everyone else first. And I do pay for it. I am still learning what battles are not worth fighting and learning that I don't have to help and be ok with it... In the sense where if the person can help themselves then I should let them rather than do it for them... It sounds bad but I am talking about people that suck the life out of others.
I know it is not my fault, but it is still what I did. That's the mountain I am trying to climb and heal from. I am getting there, and the feeling inside is the hardest part. Admitting and telling people this, it was hard but it did feel good to do it. A toast to healing futures :) xxxxxxxxxx
Thank you for sharing my story, I appreciate it greatly and I appreciate you and your time to read this. Thank you very much <3