Looking at Life from the Natural Seasons

in #teammalaysia3 years ago (edited)


In places where there are four distinct seasons, discerning the weather and knowing what is needed for a different season is critically important. However, most people born and raised up in such places are quite naturally having the life skills dealing with the changing seasons. Comparatively, many people are not well prepared for their seasons of life.

By referring to the seasons of life, I mean to say that our life on earth can generally be perceived as having four seasons. In other words, from the day of birth till finishing high school, the person is like going through one’s summer. It is a time that a child is growing from a baby till teenager. Physical growth is very obvious during this period. The parents and teachers play a significant role in shaping their life.

During the summer season of life, we may be pursuing our college education, then entering a career path including choosing life partner and raising up our own families. During this season, life can be hectic. It’s important to ascertain life goal, if not, what is intended to be fruitful may end up as fruitless years.

By the time our children have become grownups, we are likely moving towards retirement. And it is like entering the autumn. Physically we can still move around and preferably engaging with works that we enjoy. However, physically we can no longer be as energetic as the young people. What a joy during this season, the retirees can do something meaningful as well as enjoyable without the worries for money. To do so, it requires good preparation prior to retirement including effective financial planning.

After the autumn, it is winter which can be characterised by so called ageing. Ageing is not necessarily something dreadful. Instead, it can be characterised by wisdom. As sunset is beautiful, so also the elderly can live meaningfully even at the last stage of their life on earth.