It begins to sparkle From your finger tips

in #teardrops7 years ago

Today, behold the beauty that is poured out all around you. Breathe in the life that surrounds you and release all that holds you back. Close your eyes and feel the negativity being lifted from your very being, as you begin the day weightless.

Does beauty not
Glisten off the trees
At the first morning dew?
Does the sun not
Reflect miraculously
Off the seas
Perspective view?

This living canvas
Painted so diligently
With care,
Is whispered into beauty
Which abounds everywhere.

Encircling you,
Lifting you up-
Fulfilling you
Until there's not enough -
Left Inside of you.

It begins to sparkle
From your finger tips,
This beauty that pours
From canvas to canvas.
The Lord,
Such an amazing artist
Has extended this deep rooted beauty,
To reach the roots, of each of you.