Never Lose Faith . Story #Supernatural

in #teardrops6 years ago

I would like to tell you the story of my niece Carolina, she was seriously ill, but with her faith and the support of her family she was able of overcoming the illness, the story is written from her point of view.

My name is Carolina, I’m 8 years old. I have a beautiful family, my mom Yadira, mi dad Edgar and my sister Adriana. At my young age I have learnt many things, for example, my dad teachs me how to play sports like tennis and soccer, while my mom teaches me how to cook delicious food, made with love. My parents take care of my sister and me every day, they are very fun and they always have time to play with us. My sister is so smart! She always helps me with my homework and I enjoy being with her.
One day a group of people came to my house, they started talking about someone called God, I didn’t understand quite well what they were saying, but they said that God could make miracles, like curing sick people, restore broken families and many more things, At the end of the conversation they invited us to go to a place they go every Sunday that they call church and my parents accepted the invitation happily.
When Sunday arrived we woke up very early in the morning, my mom dressed me and made a delicious breakfast, I was excited about going to church, I’ll meet God in person! We arrived to that place and there were many other people, there was something that they called altar and next to it there was a band with many musical instruments. Everybody there received us kindly.
I was waiting to God to appear, that’s when a person walked in front of us with a big book on his hands and started talking. I thought he was God and I was waiting for him to start making miracles. Later I figure it out that he wasn’t God, because he talked just like the people who when to our home. Later my parents told me that this man was called a priest. Then I asked to myself where is God?
The priest constantly stopped his lecture so the band could play; they sang and played beautiful songs and melodies that I never heard before, this music made me feel things that I never felt before.
There was a beautiful atmosphere, I had my eyes closed and suddenly I heard someone talking on my ear and saying “God is talking to you, that’s why you are feeling this way, God loves you and wants you to know him more”. When this voice stopped talking I started crying, I didn’t know why, but what I was feeling was wonderful.
Since that day my family and went every Sunday to church, for us it was to valued. God became the center of our lives, everything was going well, until one day I felt sick, my parents though it wasn’t normal, my mom gave me a medicine and I went to bed, but after a few hours I woke up feeling worse, then the fever started and the pain got worse. My parents took me to the hospital, I was check in, I was in a tiny room surrounded by medical equipments and doctors. The doctors checked me and they made me lots of medical exams. The doctor told the result to my parents, he told them that I had a virus that attacked my organs and it made that these expand and my liver had liquid that reached my stomach. The doctor said that it was also a type of strong dengue, I couldn’t eat, I couldn’t walk, I couldn’t move, I couldn’t do anything and I had high fever all the time.
My parents were so worried, they called all the people they knew and many of them came to the hospital to visit me. They prayed for my health and they gave words of hope to my parents.
After 2 weeks in the hospital and many tests and exams I hadn’t gotten better, I was in the intensive care unit where I was surrounded by other sick people and sadly I saw many of them die and I saw her families cry for their loss and I could only think “is this going to happen to me too?”.
One day I started to have difficulties to breath, I couldn’t speak, the doctors took my parents out, he told them, that I was getting worse and that I might not make it, my parents were scared and sad, they started crying. That same day I prayed to God, I told him “dear God, you are my friend, I know you can help me, I know you can heal me, please, help me heal”.
The next day the doctors made me many tests again, they connected me to big machines that could check how everything was working. My parents were scared, but I wasn’t scared anymore, I knew God will help me.
The director of the hospital came to see the case; he was concerned about my situation, all the doctors and the nurses where there, they were so nervous. The director came to my bed and he asked me how I felt, I told him that I was feeling fine, he checked the machines; he checked my heart and asked me a few more things. The director talked to the other doctors and told them that there was a mistake, the I wasn’t the kid of the reports he was sent to. He said that I was a healthy kid and where it was the other kid. Everyone was so confused, they insisted it was me, I was the kid of the reports, but the doctor said that it couldn’t be possible because the kid in the reports was seriously ill, instead, I was completely healthy, and it was true, I was feeling fine.
Nobody knew what happened, but I was healed. My parents couldn’t stop tanking God and I was astonished of his great power, it was a miracle, I could eat, I could talk, I could walk, I just needed to finish my treatment and I could go home. I was healthy again and it was thanks to God.
When I leave the hospital, I went back to church every Sunday with my family, like we used to. We went to celebrate and thank God to the miracle of life. I never lost my faith and my family either. I learnt that family is one of the most important things that God has created, that we have to stay together and share the love god has made for us, the same love that saved my life. Everything was a miracle of love.

