Passive Income [7 Methods] [Internet Version]steemCreated with Sketch.

in #techmeme7 years ago

Hey guys, I have two main goals with this post:

The #1 is to educate and you to learn how to make passive income online
The #2 is to motivate you to take massive action on one of the methods

Hopefully, by accomplishing the first goal by educating you and adding immense value throughout this post it will lead me to my second goal.

Active Income vs Passive Income

Active Income is basically exchanging your own time for money. This post will only be about Passive Income, which basically means that it requires a little bit of initial startup time and resources. And a very very little upkeep once you set it up.

So feel free to sit back and learn, here we go

There are a ton of people out there who say they can make money online, but the only way that they make money online is, by selling other people "the dream" - they can make money online.

So let's dive right into it.

#1. Selling Photos

1. Selling Photoss.jpeg

The first way you can make passive income online is by selling photos. So there are all kinds of websites out there (SmugMug Pro, Shutterstock, iStockphoto) that will pay you a percentage of their earnings selling your photos. If you've ever tried to buy a photo you'll know they sell for hundreds of dollars per photo. Well, that's because Shutterstock pays a percentage of that money to the person that took that photo. You can do the same, you can take one photo and then sell it on Shutterstock. Who knows someone might buy that every day, and you'll get 50 bucks! That's 50 bucks a day that you don't have to do any more work and that's the glory of passive income.

#2. Clickbank

The second way that I've learned to make passive income online is through Clickbank. Now Clickbank is a marketplace basically of other people's products. The cool thing about this is is that you get to sell someone else's product. It's basically affiliate marketing. Every time you sell one of those you get half of whatever someone pays for the product. So if they pay $300 for that you will earn $150. Some people make over half a million dollars online through selling other people's product.

#3. Amazon Affiliates

The third coolest way to make passive income online is through Amazon affiliates. Now, the way that Amazon affiliates work is that you put a link in your description of your YouTube channel or your blog or some other website that you have. And whenever someone clicks on that link, they get a cookie on their browser which means any product they buy on Amazon for the next 24 hours you get a percentage of. The more clicks you can get on your Amazon affiliate links the more money you will earn, even if it's not selling your product. Now, one guy, I know who has earned a ton on this. He has a website that literally sells just one product and he has earned over forty thousand dollars in one month from Amazon affiliate earnings.

#4. Kindle e-books

You can make passive income by selling Kindle e-books. Now, Kindle e-books are really easy to create and some people think that it's just really hard to make them. Making money on Kindle is not that you have one book that makes you a thousand dollars a month. It's having 100 books that make you a dollar a day so that adds up and over time. Your investments start to return on themselves and you have a hundred e-books, maybe making between one and two sales a day earning you one hundred to two hundred dollars a day.

#5. Sell Digital Files

The next way to make passive income online is by selling digital files. Now, one of the best sites that I found to do this is Sellfy. They take a commission of whatever you sell, it's like two to five percent. You can create a small little course or you can have website templates or you can have your own WordPress themes and sell it on this website drive traffic to that and then eventually you'll make money.

#6. Udemy || Teachable

Another way to make money by selling stuff is signing up for Udemy and teaching a course. Now, I've heard by some specific people that Udemy kind of sucks because they'll rip you out of money. Because it'll take your $300 course and then put it on sale for $10. So that they can get more users on their website and that's kind of ripping off creators. What I recommend doing is going to Teachable. Personally, I think it's way better than Udemy and it's actually what I'm going to be making my own personal courses on.

#7. Youtube

The last way that I'm going mentioned how you can make money online is by building a youtube channel. Now, when you build a YouTube channel you can make a lot of money with ad revenue. And it takes a ton of views for you to make money off of Adsense. You might get 10,000 views and that might earn you $20 but if you get 10,000 views and 10% of those people buy a $300 course of yours, listed in the description of your video, that's going to earn way more money than the video ever will. So, when you build a YouTube channel you have got to be passionate. I cannot stress this enough because there are tons of people who get into YouTube and will make a couple videos and then fall out because they're not passionate about it.

We went over 7 passive income strategies and that is to Sell Photos Online, Clickbank and Affiliate Sales, Amazon Affiliate Sales, Selling Kindle E-Books, Selling Digital Files on Sellfy, Teaching on Udemy or Teachable, and Building a YouTube channel.


Thank you for that. Very interesting

thanks, awesome you found it helpful!