Apple died when Steve Jobs died

in #technology7 years ago

I am talking only in the case of iPhone here. I know a lot of people are hyped about new iPhone X / 10 but I really am not. I know if you are reading this you might be an apple fan or not. With no offense to you guys truth is bitter as always and seriously Apple died when Steve Jobs died, and here's why ?


Steve Jobs was leader who introduced iPhone which was a huge step towards the evolution of modern smartphones. But after his tragic death in October 2011 what he had made started to crumble. People used to look at iPhone as a source of inspiration because iPhones were innovative and use to bring new things every year when they launch a new iPhone. They were so inspirational that everyone tried to catch up to Apple's iPhone which lead Samsung copying Apple's design case.

But lately it's just the opposite, Apple is trying to catch up to other phones. Apple hasn't given any new feature in past few years on their phone launch they are just playing catching up. Whereas there main rival Samsung has been going beyond limits and are about to introduce Bendable phone next year according to rumors.


A simple example of this is Apple's new iPhone X or 10 whatever people call it. I see no new innovations on iPhone and I think changing their traditional phone's design was due to the pressure built by Samsung Galaxy s8's infinity display. They just introduced Wireless Charging after so many years. They idea of facial recognition is also not new to anyone and the way they show it on their promo and how it really worked, we saw it on the Launch program. The phone was unable to recognize the face twice.

I think apple are going in a path of self destruction because they are removing everything people like about phones. First the headphone jack and now the Home button. You guys can be like well that's change and we have to adapt. But I think you should be changing and adopting to a better idea, an upgrade rather than on a downgrade.

Seriously within past years there has not been anything given by Apple that made us go WOWWW !!!. Whatever they show on the launch deep inside everyone is like ," We've seen that.. Seen that too.. That too. " and we clap in the end just because the presenter is expecting us to. And the Animoji feature is just too worthless. Seriously why will I be willing to around 1000$ just to make an emoji out of myself ?


Whereas their rivals Samsung has been coming with new ideas and the infinity display it just kills the concept of traditional smartphones. Galaxy Note 8 looks efficient as well and more handy for people who are into arts and stuffs. Even One Plus have been bringing up phones with good features.

I think Apple is out of idea at the moment. I don't know how are they going to catch up with Samsung and other phones in next 4 years. We've literally seen nothing new from Apple and I think its because of the lack of innovation and ideas which was provided by a far sighted man Steve Jobs.

Please let me know about your thoughts on Apple and new iPhone X/10. You can also be defending apple and saying things like ," You don't know shit about apple man" ," You are an Android fanboy " or other things. But deep down you are disappointed and not really hyped about iPhone X/10 and hope if Apple did better.


I could not agree more! Unfortunately Apple will not die until there are dumbass people buying an outdated, overpriced phone just because it is "Apple"...

Good riddance to bad rubbish. Jobs was a terrible person and Apple is a terrible company with terrible business practices..

I do think Jobs was a good person and done things that contributes a lot in today's technology..

Truth spoken my friend.