The World's Very First Operational Robot Police Officer

Dubai has unveiled the world's said to be very first operational robot police officer.
He's unsurprisingly picked up the nickname Robocop. And they expect to have a number of robot police out and patrolling the streets by 2020. The robot has officially joined the Dubai police force and it is going to be tasked with patrolling the city streets. It's also dressed in a Dubai police uniform and is able to shake hands with people and carry out a military salute.
The robot weighs roughly 100kg and is 5 ft 5, it can speak 6 different languages, it's also able to send messages and receive them from the police; it's got a built in tablet that is intended to be used for reporting crimes or paying fines. It might only be a matter of time before other police forces around the world embrace robots in their ranks as well.

We have already seen a number of different police departments embracing drone use around the world, they've been eager to incorporate a myriad of different and new technology initiatives into their policing methods. And it might not be long before your next speeding ticket is issued to you by a robot.
It will be interesting to see: how the robots perform, how the public reacts, and how quickly this trend grows around the world
The Dubai police have said that they intend for robots to make up at least 2 percent of their overall police force by 2030.
In fact, by that time they plan to have a police station that is a “smart station” and run without any human employees. The robot police officer is going to be able to spot and approach people from at least 30 feet away and it will be able to scan people's faces.
Their robot police officer design was unveiled last year at the 2016 Gulf Information Technology Exhibition (GITEX), but now it's actually been put to work and will be out on the streets in Dubai. With many more to follow.

Economic Times via
Time Out Dubai via
Great to see you into triple digits for your posts now @doitvoluntarily - your daily output is quality and always differing in subject matter - well done my friend!
thanks for your support @mindhunter :) and your feedback
See you in the #politics tag once I get back from vacation @doitvoluntarily :)
This is an interesting development, robots will take over more and more tasks performed by humans. Just got back from Dubai late May but did not bump into the Robocop
Quite sure version 1 cannot do arrest yet. :-)
While I am impressed with the technology aspect of this, I'm not sure how I would feel about this in everyday life. It's interesting and I appreciate your sharing it.
By the way, I'm not surprised about it being in Dubai because they are always cutting edge on just about everything!
I'm not convinced , judging by the photo's they don't even have mouths.
Where are they going to put the doughnuts ?.
It's scares the sh!t out of me!
Very interesting post. I can see how robocops could be a good thing, especially putting them in a dangerous situation instead of a human. On the other hand these could also be programmed by the wrong person and could be something to fear.
This was definitely an interesting post. The one positive application I can see for this - i.e., something other than a more efficient harassment tool for the authorities - is search an rescue. A robot is stronger and can get into more dangerous situations (fires for example) to rescue people.
As an aside, I wonder if the touchpad on the tablet has an emoji doughnut.
That's true if would be perfect for search and rescue where the situation could be too dangerous for a person. Thanks for your reply!
I wonder if there is a movie about this and how it ends?
That's just one of them, it's in sci-fi as well. But it's just wrong to have this even as a mascot. To it's just disturbing!
Wow amazing post @doitvoluntarily