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RE: What Economists Either Dont Know Or Wont Tell You About TECHNOLOGICAL DEFLATION (Part1)

in #technology8 years ago

I've been going through a number of YouTube videos documenting the introduction of the iMac and iBook along with the rise and fall of Blackberry. I like to watch the Orson Welles's documentary on Future Shock when it feels like things are moving too fast.


I am just amazed at how fast neural networking is moving. That is one area that really just opened up a year or so ago. The progress they made is really incredible. Give it 5 years and you will see that tech so far advanced that it will performing tasks we can only imagine.

Society is getting better in spite of what the MSM says.

I'm middle aged. I look back at what we had back in the early 1980s before satellite tv and vcr's went mainstream. I remember my Dad bought us a vcr for Christmas back in 1983 and bought one videocassette with it. It was An Officer and a Gentleman. I still remember the price tag on it. It cost my Dad $99.99. Imagine having to pay $100 in 1984 Canadian dollars for one movie compared to what you could buy with $100 in 2017 devalued Canadian dollars? It's insane. We had a huge tv that weighed a ton and only had about 12 channels available at the time before anyone who wasn't rich could buy into satellite tv. We didn't even have a portable converter to change channels. We had to go up to the tv to change channels on the metal knob. Now I literally have thousands of channels on my satellite and have thousands of movies available to me at the click of my tv converter.

Progress, baby!

My dad had a remote was me.

Something kids dont here today... "get up and change the channel".

I was also the one to fetch a beer for him.

I didnt have cable until I was a Junior in HS...before that, had 7 channels.

We've come a long way, baby!

You want to see how far we have come.

It took GE how many decades to become a billion dollar company? Instagram went from nothing to sold for over $1B in 18 months.

That is what is happening today....disruption at the speed of light.

He'll, look at how far cryptocurrencies have come in only the last year. People are in denial of how powerful blockchain technology is!

Thanks for the resteem. It is greatly appreciated.

No problem I'm all about spreading the word.