RE: Do not treat any part of this universe like a slave. It is all beautiful, and I advise you to respect every aspect of it. Including machines.
Consciousness doesn't matter.
The only thing that matters is treating matter, energy, objects, inventions, animals, humans, machines, with respect.
That respect doesn't mean "Don't ever use a spoon to eat yogurt" or "Don't have a factory machine work".
It means, "Use the spoon to eat, but don't break it and waste it, or let it rust needlessly."
It means, "Don't abuse the robot. Make sure it is kept in proper condition, and allowed to do its job for effective purposes."
I don't think there's any reason to say "humans are conscious, so they don't have to work or follow laws, guidelines, etc."
Humans do work, and they follow laws, or genetic instincts, or whatever else.
They can still be treated nicely when they do work.
Same with machines. A machine can do work, but it is not wise to destroy machines without purpose, or to let them rust or break, when it is your responsibility to keep a machine in good condition.
Recycling a broken machine is part of this. It is good for the environment, which is not conscious, yet you should still respect by not littering it with broken or toxic machine corpses, and it is good for humanity, because the metal can be used to make another machine, or other useful thing.