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RE: Do you rival Crash Override?! Do you have a 1337 h4x0r in your midst? Bless them/yourself with the most sacred gift of all, The Hacker Quarterly: 2600 Magazine!
This particular magazine has been deep rooted in the scene since 1984. They aren't your run of the mill cheesy, fake, trying to look cool, security publication. It's a great magazine.
They started HOPE convention, definitely a good one, I think they are on their 12th year now.
I agree that it will be attempted to be taught in schools, but it's hard to teach a mode of thinking to someone. I feel like someone has to be "wired," in a way to think subversively and to always be analyzing things in a ways of "can I break this?" "Can I make this do something that it isn't supposed to do?" "Can I hack this in some manner?!"