Thoughts about the future, Cryptocurrency, Mass adoption and More: PART 1

in #technology8 years ago (edited)

Future Inventions, Technology, Revolution, Accessibility and a Millenial's first thoughts about Crypto:

So a few days ago I read the article "The Case for Buying Steem and Steem Power: The Dollar Vigilante Says Steem Is Now a Buy". Now I don't want to talk about the future of  Steem or Steemit, but I want to take a more general approach on the topic of mass adoption, technological revolutions, which  you may or may not refer back to Steem(it). I believe that what he wrote in the article is extremely important and crucial to understand when it comes to future generations and just life in general.  The idea of doing the unusual, going somewhere out of own interest and curiosity instead of popularity is something rare and isn't just about business and investing in things , but about education, about a mentality, about being awake, aware and understanding shifts, where the world is going.

We tend to be so caught up in our daily lives, our routines, our present, that it can easily be forgotten, that every present moment eventually turns into past and the future consists of things, we can only imagine...

I believe that every generation holds a kind of responsibility and directs the future. Every generation grows up under different conditions, in a different age and environment, but what remains the same is that every generation learns from the previous, looks for role models and patterns to follow. I believe that each generation, when transitioning from being the latest into the previous, has a responsibility to educate and speak out on what the educational system fails to do. My thoughts on the educational system, Prince Ea summed up pretty well in this video I included in a previous post

Major revolutionary changes.

Humans are cynics and instinctively doubt anything that disrupts their current belief system. We are afraid of change, afraid of the unknown, at least the majority. Yes people differ and some are higher risk-takers than others, but when it comes to mass adaption and believing in "the new", this isn't just what I think, but what history has proven over and over again.

Did you know all that? I mean we all know that every invention starts with the inventors-stage, moves into the early adopters stage and might or might now transition into mass adoption. This pattern is nothing new and before doing some research, but I had no idea how long it actually took for electricity to reach the mass, or television, or the internet. That it took 31 years for people to believe in radio, 18 years in color television and 7 years for people to believe that the internet is real and a digital world exists. That tells me two main things... 1. No matter how major the invention, mass adoption takes time, and 2. The time span has decreased drastically and the next "big thing" will take approximately +-5 years before mass use . 

3 crazy people who believed that RADIO was possible!

When I first heard about Bitcoin and cryptocurrency, I'll never forget the comparison I was confronted with. Radio - TV - Internet - ? and the next major change is going to be a decentralized banking system, digital coins and "no real money"? Sounds pretty weird, and my brain definitely shut off the moment somebody tried to explain the technology behind this crazy system to me... miners.. mathematical equations... actually whenever I heard maths I cringe, but this sounded waaaay more complicated.

This is pretty much what the word "cryptocurrency" looks like for my non-tech friends

It took me a while to become open to the idea, and actually having the desire to understand the functionality. I still today don't quite understand how miners work, but I do know the basics of the system, trading, investing, predicting etc. and most importantly the bigger picture, including the benefits digital currencies offer. What mainly got me hooked was the aspect of decentralization, as I hate dependency in general and especially the impotence you have against such powerful exploiters. However it wasn't until after my first blogpost on Steemit that I became interested in all of it and searched for answers beyond the surface....

I didn't want to make this blogpost seem intimidating because of its length, so I decided to split it up. I hope you enjoyed this first part, if you did Part 2 is on the way, so stay tuned and hit that FOLLOW button, and you didn't..  comment why :)

Disclaimer: This was my first take on the topic, a millenial p.o.v. I'm no scientist, nor a fortuneteller. These are simply thoughts I have that I wanted to share. I would love to hear your opinion and appreciate your comments.


Much love, 

- Mrs.Steemit


Thanks for sharing. I'm looking forward to Part II, and I've re-steemed it. I hope lots of people see this. I definitely believe crypto and decentralized systems are the "next big thing" and I'm glad to have a front row seat to the future. I'm sure most people would invest differently if they could foresee in 1992 the things we know today about the internet, and I believe the changes coming about through crypto are just as profound.

I very much agree with you! You can't know for sure what's going to happen in the future, but you can predict it and we are given the chance to not only witness, but be a part of such historical revolution. Thank you very much, for the support :)

Great post. Don't mean to sound cynical, but often when it's a pretty lady such as yourself and there is a 'selfie', and an admittance of being a Millenial, i am usually skeptical there will be any depth or original thought. Not because i'm prejudice, but having been on Steemit for several months, some more than others, in July there was a rush of new people to the platform, and people, especially men, being often stupid simpletons, i was amazed that a great poem or article could go barely seen, while a introduction post, with a pretty girl and not much else could suddenly get 1000 upvotes and "valued" at several thousand dollars. I was very pleasantly surprised to read your thoughts and in depth analysis, especially considering your humble admittance that you don't understand it all, but are thinking and learning. I am not surprised but all too often someone writes from the ego perspective and assumes they already know it all. Glad you're here, look forward to part two and will be following. Steem on!

Thank you very much for taking your time to write this comment. If you don't mind I would like to use it in a presentation of mine, which is about exactly this topic. I feel very passionate about the mission to break stereotypes, such as the one you mentioned. With my first post I never thought that it would make that much or reach that many people. Now I care a lot about valuable content and great minds which is the main reason why I'm on Steemit. I appreciate your comment, you made me smile and I'm glad to have surprised you in a positive way :)

Right on Sister Butterfly. Steemon, and i give you full rights to do whatever you like with my honest observation. Keep on Keeping on.

and for the record, i didn't say all that because you are pretty. i read most of your article before the pictures even loaded. i was pleasantly surprised by your intellect, and maybe foolishly, even more so when i saw your picture. and what is the TOPIC of your presentation?

Bravo! Excellent post, thanks for sharing congratulations

Great article... looking forward to how blockchain will be changing the way we live in a not so distant future... steem as a platform allowed me to bring my friends in the crypto world. In the advent of blockchain based social media platform, we are looking at an exciting 2017 ahead of us...

I agree, it couldn't be more exciting.

steemit Steemit tweeted @ 18 Oct 2016 - 13:57 UTC

Thoughts about the future, #Cryptocurrency, Mass adoption and More @Steemit #Tech… /

Disclaimer: I am just a bot trying to be helpful.

This is called the bell curve and is getting faster as time technology increases the speed at which we communicate. Not to be confused with, The Bell Curve, the book, which is another topic entirely.
The bell curve of a technology adoption life cycle is described in Wikipedia as:

The technology adoption lifecycle is a sociological model that describes the adoption or acceptance of a new product or innovation, according to the demographic and psychological characteristics of defined adopter groups. The process of adoption over time is typically illustrated as a classical normal distribution or "bell curve". The model indicates that the first group of people to use a new product is called "innovators," followed by "early adopters". Next come the early majority and late majority, and the last group to eventually adopt a product are called "laggards".

Loved your post. Personally, I have always been an early adopter. What about you? Where do you fit into the bell curve?

I know the bell curve and assumed that most of you do, but thanks for sharing.
Me too, same on almost every social media, which is always exciting :)

True and to the point, great article.

Two thoughts:

  1. I don't believe in the exponential change. The inertia of the system is a powerful thing :)
  2. Mass adoption is a two-way street. With industry and media forcing us into adopting new stuff even if it isn't ready the time to adopt becomes shorter.

So the truth and the future is somewhere in between.

But ... the quality that adoption and change will bring to us is another question altogether. When it comes to media / transport channels the quantity is eating quality - exponentially.

I do hope that blockchain - as the transport channel of the future - will change this and bring new quality. Maybe I am too optimistic but I think that decentralization will enable creativity and bring back quality.

YES that's the main reason I love and am on Steemit. I truly hope that quantity won't eat quality. Anyway it is such a great way to stop trolls and stop this negativity on social media. Critic is great, but hate isn't and I've never seen that on any other platform.

Very good written. You don't have to be a scientist or futurist to appreciate crypto currencies. It will take some time to really grasp the concepts and understand what the implications could be. I think the effort in studying crypto currencies, Bitcoin/bitcoin, Steem, Ethereum or others is worth the effort.

Thank you! I think so too, educating yourself on the future and possible major changes that affect us and future generations is a must for me.

My thoughts exactly. Excited for Part II :)

Thank you for the support! :)

Great Post, thanx for sharing!

Thanks, you're very welcome :)