Connection over Consumption

in #technology7 years ago


We currently live in a hyper-consumption society in the Western world. The tech devices we have are regularly updated as quick as the latest Apps, TV series and wardrobes. It’s fashionable right? The big underlying problem here is that while people are more connected than ever through their devices, they are in fact living more lonely lives. Shocking numbers reveal detrimental effects on the younger generation where social media is a key in causing depression. The tendency to view-binge a Netflix series or be constantly checking our phones for the next Like (or positive facebook emoji) on our phones are taking us away from a need that technology is masking. This is connection.

I recently wrote about why I building a community around the causes that I see are important to people in current times. The advent of technology won’t remove the desire within our primal tribal wiring. We have a survivalist tendency to want to feel part of a tribe and not only that we thrive within ones that serve many of our needs. Technology alone can only leave you with that empty feeling of non-satisfaction. The truth is that technology isn’t the culprit, it is merely a tool. If we can use technology to purposefully arrange opportunities where we genuinely connect then that tool will be serving us correctly. The only thing is that we have to be aware of the addictive cycles that Social Media and Apps have so that we can get in, use them to arrange connection opportunities and get-out there and connect. It takes willpower, but then again, everything worthwhile in life does!

Thanks so much for reading! Here to connect with like-minded people so don't be a stranger hit me up if this meant something to you.