The Heartbeat of the Universe, Shells Inside Shells, The Grandest Cycle.

Been pondering this one for a while, why can't we look back beyond the Big Bang? and the only solution I can come up with is that because we can't pull data from beyond that point Due to it all being smashed into a singularity. That the only way to extrapolate what came before is to look forward.
Everything is cyclic, time and space included, so if we peer as far forward into the future as we possibly can, then perhaps we can see the end of the cycle of this space, and the beginning of the next universe. (Same goes for time, as we measure time from the beginning of the universe.)
There was some talk of the great expansion, the universe pushing outwards from the Big Bang and cooling down. This rapid expansion followed by an inevitable contraction as gravity took over and brought us all into a single point once again in The Big Crunch.
Seems logical, but we have established that due to the interaction of dark energy / dark matter within the universe, things are actually speeding up, the expansion is not slowing as expected but it is actually getting faster.
So let's push that further out, and as things expand faster and faster, I propose that eventually the force differential on each atom will overcome the strong and weak forces holding the molecules together, I call this moment "Dissolution" or essentially the dissolving of all matter into energy.
Now we know that waves like to propagate into each other, smooth out and move the waves nearby until they are all cycling at the same frequency. And what happens when two waves meet up perfectly? Amplitude peaks. Cycles merge and become a universe spanning super-wave.
So now we have a universe full of matter turned energy, and cycling as one until all the wave-forms merge into one giant amplitude peak. If this doesn't sound like a textbook example of a Big Bang event, I don't know what does.
So really the heat death and dissolution of the universe is nothing to worry about, it's just the fresh singularity from which the next greater universe will spread, an infinite cycle of shells expanding out past the previous again and again.
Mind-blowing stuff right there. Literally the clock speed of the universal computer.
Of course completely theoretical, and just a random pondering on the nature of the end-beginning.
If you have anything to add I would love to hear from you in the comments below,
Much love dearest readers. <3
Image was lovingly crafted by @soundwavesphoton at my request, much respect.

Good post, thanks for sharing
Glad you enjoyed. <3
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This comment has received a 0.10 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
This comment has received a 0.11 % upvote from @booster thanks to: @hamzaoui.
This is more than just a theory in my mind!
You put my beliefs on this subject into words better than I could. We have only to study the world around us to understand the deeper questions. Matter turns into energy and we are all part of a great cycle. <3
Now if only I could figure out how to make an infinite cycle of tea so I don't have to make the constant trips to the kitchen, that'd be great!
In all seriousness tho, thank you for your sharing and kind supporting words CreativeSoul, they mean a lot to me, as do you. Much love. <3
As a physicist myself (with a focus on quantum mechanics) I find your post a lovely thought experiment. You did leave out a few factors though. How do you imagine entropy playing a role in this thought experiment?
entropy as in a thermodynamic quantity representing the unavailability of a system's thermal energy for conversion into mechanical work, often interpreted as the degree of disorder or randomness in the system.
Or as in lack of order or predictability; gradual decline into disorder.
I thought I answered this in the great dissolution mechanic when everything just falls apart and becomes a universe spanning super-soup-wave of energy.
Of course I am no scientist. Just a fellow with a few random thoughts bouncing around in the old brain case. So it is not surprising if I may have missed a few spots. If you care to elaborate on a solution to that point I would love to hear it.
Thanks for sharing and I'm so very glad you enjoyed it. <3
Nice! Yeah I see where you're coming from. You have a scientific way of imagining things, romanticized though it may be.
In the most straightforward and simplest of ways, your imagination could be (more or less) correct. However I think it starts to get a little more fun when you realize entropy's relationship with the physics of an ever-expanding universe is potentially a bit more complex with some fascinating questions.
As you noted, entropy mainly has to do with thermodynamics. However the universe has other dynamics at play, not the least of which is gravity itself. Not to mention we still don't have a complete understanding of the interplay of relationships between dark matter, gravity and entropy.
I think you might really like the theories of emergent gravity and space-time. Here's a good Wired article about it:
Thanks for sharing. I look forward to reading the article. And what better balance is there then heart and head, science and romance. If you got that from my post then I consider it a Great Success!
Yeah we also have electromagnetic interactions, things redshifting into oblivion, and all sorts of quanta stuff going on. But I didn't want to delve TOO deep and lose the casual observer.
Its a delicate balance, and some of that stuff I am not really qualified to go into. (pretty much all of it)
Thanks for sharing and engaging, much love. <3
Wow, mind-blowing indeed!
Happy you enjoyed Isaria, you are amazing. <3
It is you who is amazing sir.
The universe is infinite, and to me, the big bang is a theory that cannot be proven. I don't see a beginning to our creation.
The end is the beginning is the end, hence that part in the closing statement "Of course completely theoretical, and just a random pondering on the nature of the end-beginning."
The only problem is by the time we get the data to prove the theory it will be useless, how will we encode it if all the matter is dissolved into energy then back to matter again?
Send it out as a stream of photons outside the boundaries of the possible expansion zone of the next cycle? Honestly no idea there.
its a ccyle that is based on in breath and out breath inhale and exhale, the "nag" is just that forcceful "pop" sound your lungs and thorat and vocal cords make when u are doing Humming meditation and you have to change from an inhale to an exhale .....the evidence of the "big bang" is definitely there and you can studdy the Cosmic Background Radiation and anyone with an old analog TV can pick it up, its real, but iit wasntthe very "beginning" , theere are multiple dimenions it goes up and up and up forever never ends
Seems very logical to me
Thank you!
I like to read this kind of stuff ☺ the mystery of the universe makes life so much more interesting.. I pounder about these things too every once and awhile.. I will keep an eye out for more articles of you. Keep it up brother 😆
Deep diving indeed, thank you for your kind words and support, more power to you too fellow journey man, much love. <3
Upvoted & Resteemed!
Thanks!! <3 much appreciated.
Votes my post pls
If it had anything to do with my post I might consider it.
An interesting take on the problem we face in getting a finger behind the pre-Big Bang situation. Perhaps we are still hampered by a lack of a unifying theory on matter and energy but with dreaming up various scenarios, I am confident someone will solve the next part of the puzzle. With discoveries rising exponentially, big things are sure to happen during my lifetime.
Big things indeed, whenever I see a challenge like "We cannot do" I try to find a solution, I enjoy the challenge even if its just hypothetical musings that are nigh on impossible to prove.
The unifying theory would be great, but if the greatest minds of our time couldn't work it out, not sure what hope I have there.
Very exciting times for sure however, I'm thinking with the advent of quantum computing and being able to run larger and larger simulations we might crack the underlying code of the universe!
Thanks for sharing. <3 Much love.
Looking forward to your next musings on the universe.