
Very odd. How is it failing?

403 Forbidden
Access was denied to this resource

Tried from phone and desktop

Bbl... baby business

Very odd. That's after the account was confirmed?

Yes after.

I got nothin'.

This seems like one of those really good opportunities to email the host.

I've got the same issue, could you put up a different mirror ?

Yeah, I'm not hosting that mirror. And there are surprisingly few giga pixel hosting services online. I vaguely recalled that Google had something of that order available, but I couldn't find it.

There is always the slightly less convenient and integrated way, which is to either right-click and open the image locally or go to the DPics album for this post and pull which ever image you're interested in. Just click it and then right-click the resulting light boxed larger version to save it locally. You should get the really large version.

Navigation in that situation is your own lookout.