Age Of Abundance: Making Anything You Need Out Of Nothing!!!

in #technology7 years ago (edited)

It often seems like our everyday lives are becoming more like something out of science fiction. What was an idea in a movie or television script a decade or so ago, is rapidly showing up in our daily lives. This trend is going to continue.

I made the case that we are going to see a time when things really start to get inexpensive. This is something we already know to be true for things such as computers, televisions, and cell phones. In fact, anything that comes under the laws of Informational Technology tends to go down in price very rapidly.

When people look at their monthly budgets there are a few areas that stand out.

At the top of the list is most likely housing. Keeping a roof over one's head costs anywhere, in the Western countries, from $1K and on up. This is an industry that has changed little over the years while still having a lot of manual labor involved. This could be changing with the introduction of 3D printing of houses. We could see the cost and time it takes to build a house decrease rapidly over the next decade.

This is a house that was build in Austin, Tx. Expect to see more of this.

Another area that people spend a fair bit of money is on automobiles. Over the last few decades, in spite of the move to automation, the price of cars has consistently gone up. Granted, the cars of today last longer than they did 30 years ago, Nevertheless, that does not make the monthly payment of $300-$500 for just the car any easier.

The next decade is going to see people move away from car ownership to paying for rides. This is a much more efficient use of resources considering the fact that most cars sit idle 90% of the time. Uber is a well known entity that used technology to reshape the fare-based transportation service. Now we see the elimination of the most expensive component.

This is actually happening on the streets of Arizona today.

Cars without drivers. Houses coming out of a printer. That is pretty far out stuff.

As they say, you ain't see nothing yet.

Now we are starting down the road of using a 3D printer to create anything literally out of thin air.

You might want to read that again. There is nothing put into the printer, it uses just air to create the physical product.

How is this even possible?

The answer lies in carbon nanotube membranes which are able to combine and separate individual molecules. Essentially a molecular factory will be able to make anything from the basic molecular building blocks.

While it could be some time before you see this in your home, it stands to reason that simple molecular factories could change the face of manufacturing. Fuels are the starting point for this technology yet, if it works, there is no reason that more complex factories cannot be created.

This is something that a company called Mattershift is already creating.

If this sounds familiar to those who enjoy Sci-Fi shows, there is a reason for it.

Advancements like this are going to bring the cost of manufacturing physical products down. We are going to see many breakthroughs in these areas over the next couple of decades.

That is why the Age of Abundance is rapidly coming towards us. The decentralization of money is but one step in that process. Now that the Internet came to money, we are going to see a great deal of it produced over the next 5-10 years. In a tokenized world, the average person is going to be receiving tokens from any different sources. In other words, they are going to be paid for what they do. This will help the income side of the equation.

The expense side is going to also see a massive change. Things are going to start deflating rapidly as technology, especially IT, becomes a larger part of our lives. There is a long track record of the trend line of processing, memory, and software. Each of these has an annual deflation rate of between 16%-50%.

So while the Star Trek type replicator might be decades away, large scale 3D printers used in factories to mass produce products will be here within the next 5 years. This is going to drastically reduce the price of manufacturing which is going to help the expense side of the equation for most people.

Remember this the next time the mainstream media touts some silly points in an effort to create FUD.

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I hope Mankind will see the era of Abundance before it destroys the planet. We are operating in 2 directions:

  • People are becoming smarter, inventing tech that lets us live better, we start to understand how nature works and we start to understand Mankind influence on the ecology on the planet
  • But on our way there we have no choice as to create the ecological catastrophe that might put the planet on the edge of distinction

How strong is our planet and how smart we are now?

That is very true. We are getting dangerously close to ruining the planet, and where I live we are starting to see the effects now.

Have you looked into sexbots all that much, taskmaster?

I think a lot of people are going to be blown away by how much technology is going to change the way we have personal relationships within a decade.

I believe my young son’s generation will be the first generation that will never have to get into a personal relationship with another human if they don’t want to.

I havent looked into them too much....

I see the headlines about them occasionally and know that companies are working on them. Certainly there is a huge market for that...not only sexual relations but companionship for older people.

It is going to be interesting to see how things develop over the next couple of decades. Almost every area of our lives is subject to being completely upended.

Maybe the average people then finally stops re-producing and only the top genes get chosen! May not be excactly like that but still intresting to wonder how it would affect our reproducing.

I think the ramifications on sex robots will be enormous. It’ll change the way we engage in relationships from head to toe!

Society has been alienating young men for years! Anyone who thinks sexbots will just appeal to weird, creepy guys are kidding themselves!

Where do you get those sexbot ?. I need them for a school job. Hahahahahaha.

Look it up online. They’re becoming more common. All you have to do is put it in a search engine.

Hahaha thank you very much. But I was just kidding. I did not know they existed. You always learn something new.

I figured you were kidding, but I would still research it if I were you.

Everyone has to be prepared to see just how much relationships are going to change in the coming years!

It's all so hard to believe this capability has arrived, and when trying to encourage friends to take part in this benefit, it seems to fall on deaf ears. They'll only know, by me doing.

Me too. My friends don't listen to me about how great Steem is, but I guess they will miss out.

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Really cool idea actually.

Turning any post into a short podcast episode.

I kind of forgot about 3-D printing. I'm not really sure why. I do remember, however, when I first heard about, and since, that this is what I've been waiting for. For that technology to be used to build shelters.

I think a car will still remain a necessity to most. In more populated areas, probably not, but in rural areas; it's certainly necessary for emergencies. However, an emergency vehicle does not necessitate payments, if that's it's only use.

Great post, cheers! :)

I think a lot of people are going to be blown away

we begin to understand how nature works and we begin to understand the human influence on ecology on this planet.

thanks for sharing,
Warm regards

Have you heard about food printers? Just imagine we make a paper out of edible materials like potato starch. Then we change the inks and replace them with different fruit and food extract. It means the next time you print a picture from McDonald, you could likely chew the picture.

It looks crappy to just eat flat papers but that wont be long, as we'll simply print our pizza from a 3D printer. That's the future we talking about.

Certainly very innovative.
Precisely your writing makes me more confident that nothing is impossible in this life.
Thank you for the enlightenment.
Follow me please.

I think those house prices are not really going to decrease as I see those prices to rather be made by this monetary-system than actual need, since banks are currently pushing alot of money to housing prices trough loans and negative intrest-rates are forcing them to invest. In addittion in many places making houses is over regulated and bureucratical, like here in finland.