How close are we to a real Iron Man suit?

in #technology2 years ago

The suit in the movie breaks a lot of rules. Is the suit theoretically possible? Let’s ask ourselves a couple of questions.

Question 1: How is a suitable to withstand so much damage and protect the pilot?

In many scenes in the movie, you see Tony Stark get beat up to a pulp. He gets thrown through windows, onto concrete, in Civil War: Captain America a Vibranium shield punches through his armor.

Iron Man’s suit is made out of a composite of different materials. In the first movie, the MK-I suit was made up of titanium-nickel alloys. This is protect his breast from further damage. For the boosters on his feet, he would have to use a titanium-nickel alloy that would allow him to boost up to the air.

Tony needs to have cushioning inside of his suit, am I right?

For protection he would need some sort of padding and ballistic mesh. According to Scifi Stack Exchange, there must be some sort of antigravity built into the suit to reduce the damage done to the suit.

Also, the suit has Vibranium. It doesn’t exist in our world. To create a suit like this would cost many millions of dollars. That’s a luxury only a few governments in the world could afford.

Question 2: How is the energy within the suit generated?

It doesn’t exist. How is the arc reactor able to generate power?

In movie canon, the energy is generated through the arc reactor in Tony’s chest.

The original arc reactor was used to power Stark Industries. When Yinsen saved Tony’s life he placed an arc reactor inside of Tony that not only saved his life but also powered his Iron Man suits.

In Iron Man 2, the same arc reactor was poisoning Tony’s body. He created a new arc reactor that was powered by a new element that he synthesized.

Question 3: Would it be possible to recreate the Iron Man suit? And if so would it be possible to reproduce the suit en masse?

…if you have access to nanotech technology and millions of dollars to spend that you don’t need.


In Iron Man 2 Justin Hammer tried to copy the Iron Man technology. Unfortunately for him this tech got hijacked by that main villain of the film and the robot suits were created to reign down terror at the Stark Expo.

So…the technology is pretty much impossible to copy. The only person who really has access to this tech is Tony Stark and he’s a billionaire with infinite resources.

Question 4: Super strength?

In Infinity War, he has super powered lazer cannons.


In Iron Man 1, he has blasters on his hands.


How is energy channeled through the arms, chest, and feet? Movie magic.

The suit just isn’t practical or possible.


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