(Alright... here's lot of personal updates to cover....)

in #technology5 years ago (edited)


finally... I could write something...

Tell you what...

I might be able to write something...

i will try...

but it may not be continued LG V50 post...

(I'll get back to this later.)

So... where should I start...

OK, so first with the misfortune with my LG V50 unit:

I probably should start with the accidental drop:

Yes, I did it, but it happened so weird...

I was listening to music with wired earphone (which was Xiaomi ANC earphone, which is, at this time of writing, broken probably because cable inside was disconnected... 😭 RIP 1 year old best buddy... I do need to buy another one with arrive noise cancelling....)

and I had to go to restroom so I put it on the shelf about the height of average man's height....

Of course I was careful not to yank the cable... but of course it had to happen...

But you know what?

With just the force of being yanked... the main phone got separated from Dual Screen accessory unexpectedly, making the attachment useless for the drop, completing the disaster which resulted in broken front... it dropped almost vertically then flopped, front facing down....

I was so shocked... cause new phone's gotta be expensive to repair and also because of that striking fact that the expansion could be useless for protection under certain circumstances.

But... decided to believe in insurance... and that's where misfortune started.

I had to fight over carrier and instance company to get my coverage....

See, I was told I will have coverage since day 1 cause of the perks I heard... and they... lied....

I was first told I won't, cause insurance would actually apply after the day I broke it... 🤦🤦🤦 

I had to go through multiple times, only to hear "No", or "We'll look for the case"....

Of course I was not going to repair with that situation, but insurance company told me I have to repair anyway cause without that, I won't get future coverages....

So I was like, oh well, I'm f***ed, but I have no choice...

and paid about $250 upfront....

Then after several weeks....

I suddenly got the call from the carrier that I will the insurance so all I need to do is to contact insurance company again for instruction.

So what I had to do was submitting some documents like repair bill  receipt... so I did.

Later I got about $200(cause it was 20% on my own) so ended up paying $50 for the broken front *from* stupid accident....

OK, I wanted that to be end of misfortune......

but no, another started to haunt me...

I don't know if I told in this blog before...

but... Dual Screen started to randomly shut off..._.

it was so freaking annoying... I was even mad when it happened multiple times throughout the day, especially when it repeated several times in short time.

So after the exam (and I screwed that up so hard, RIP my life...), I finally decided to get it repaired....

But you know what?

I was told it was merely software issue, not the hardware fault. And no repair....

I was like, what the hell?! how could it be?

Isn't this outrageous?

I just decided to give another try, hopefully get different result. But another personal matter happened so I wasn't able to deal with faulty one....

Making matters worse, my Dual Screen even started to flicker time to time... I have uploaded the video footage that I managed to shoot to Quick Help and some communities....

Then, all of sudden, I was contacted from LGE...

a person from there, presumably manager from the main company... contacted me about the issue I had.

He said he saw the materials I posted at Quick Help....

So I confirmed, and I was told... they want mine -- both Dual Screen and main phone(!) -- so they could get them to test as samples for faults I told in the post.

So, of course, I told him yes, so he said the replacements for both of them will be given to me instead...

But I had to spend few more days cause, again, personal issue (yeah, blame my life)...

Then... all of sudden... I was told agaim, from the same contact... I won't be able to get replacement for main phone per carrier's policy.........


Just because the unit was provided to test out 5G amd stuff doesn't mean it has to be not replaced throughout the whole period...!!

Isn't this outrageous?! 😠😠😠 

I of course asked the carrier and the management team responsible for tester activities and stuff....

But they were either, like, "it's after the period the faulty products can be replaced, so there's nothing we can do"(carrier), or "We don't know, ask carrier and LGE about this" (the latter).

... How could they be thickheads? To me, it only looked like...


... I'm so lost...there....

OK, so "oh f***, what can I do"...

and only got Dual Screen replacement.

Of course, I couldn't expect main phone to be cured....


Well, thanks for reading this long story... and long rant...

I had to speak, blame my less-than-average quality life that prevented everything I wanted to not happen or to be delayed....

How could I ever stand out to my parents when my grades suck? Hell no.

And I still doesn't have any freaking jobs... nor I have home to live, nor I have enough money for such stuff....

Well, finally, I was able to make it and tell this tale.

OK, so what could you expect for near future?

Because I'm still busy as f***, I can't guarantee making posts to here cause I do need to prepare for next semester which will be also important for my future careers...

So I'll try to finish LG V50 post series I wanted to finish... but here's the thing:

I happened to participate in review contest that I have to write reviews for device I didn't get for free from companies...

that means this V50 cannot be used for this contest,

so I got LG Q8, which is V20 Pro in Japan, basically mini version of LG V20.

I don't know if I can share my reviews here in this blog(need to know the rules, especially regaridng rules for sharing the content),

but if I can, I will.

Thanks for reading this, you lovely people!


seems like your share of bad luck wont stop, @theexperimentor :(

... hope GREAT LUCK will come your way, and soon!

also, check out @archdruid 's latest contest, you may be able to get some prizes :)

Yep, and for even several months! nuts! who knew...
Imma just try to do my best, trying to prepare for next semester (yeah, it's hard too) and preparing reviews as I need....

Hopefully I don't have to suffer again... except... probably schoolworks and jobs (oh well, that's not gonna end... 🤦)

As for that contest, there's only really few days left! oh my.
it'd be quick post then... need to catch up.
Thanks for the info! :)

Wow that is crazy that they asked for phone to test the issues but won't give replacement phone in meantime... that doesn't make any sense! Good luck and hopefully you don't have issues with the new phone. Looking forward to more reviews if you can post them. Cheers

Like... what a nonsense to face! 😂
Just because the period for free replacement is over doesn't mean the free repair period is over as well and more importantly, LGE themselves wanted the replacement but screwed by carrier or the managements.... I even thought LGE is being teamkilled.... what an irony...
When LGE is even being mocked for lower quality than competitors (ofc I believe that's not always the case) there could be hindering factor.... The chance of improving their product...

And... actually I didn't get replacement for the main phone itself, just the accessory for additional screen. But hopefully I won't have issues again.... If I do...... there must be repair or they'll be sorry...(wanted to say, but how could I even make lawsuit as student? lol. very unlikely.)
Of course I must have been unlucky last time I hoped for repair.... could be different next time but still....

Anyhow, if I can make some time and (for the review competition) if the rules allow, I will try to post some more reviews....

Actually I pretty much made reviews for LG V50 (though not on main phone side that much... and... actually chances are getting low at this point) so I need some time to organize into better post for you all to read... including preparing and positioning the pictures.
One thing for sure: I got so many thoughts on what you could do with Dual Screen, some what I was satisfied, some needed improvements (some of which were improved by updates, for now the materials are mostly before the updates but I will try including/mending them)
so those will most likely make way to my LG V50 review posts....
Stay tuned! :)

Whichever posts upload at here... I will continue to share my thoughts and opinions as I would... as best as I can.
Thanks for continued support. Cheers!