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RE: Does your smartphone create 'brain drain' just by being around you?

in #technology7 years ago

Personally, I would like to get rid of my phone completely. Unfortunately, it would seem that living in the modern world without one of these devices can cause discomfort for others who fear they will not be able to contact me should they have to. I appreciate and accept that smartphones can be extremely useful at times as with all technology but should I carry around a phone with me for the rest of my life just in case there is an emergency? Of course not! But when there IS an emergency will I regret not having my phone with me or switched on? Will others blame me for not being within reach when I could have been? Probably. So for that reason I must carry it with me at all times! There is no getting away from it perhaps but there was a time before these devices existed and things seemed to work ok then as far as I rememeber.

Not to mention the unknown long term health dangers posed by these 'smart' phones which we are yet to fully realise!


Yeah they are handy, but what is the real long term consequence of all this microwave energy, close to our headss, etc. Sometimes we move too fast as I see it. Thanks for the feedback.

Not a problem @krnel. Just enjoyed your latest post also! I have a young son and one day I would like him to be able to say that he became a good man not by the way his father taught him but by the way his father lived his own life.

I'm slowly trying to unlearn all of the bad habits I have been taught in my life so far in order to make that so!

Another excellent post!

Enjoy the rest of your day!