Edmonton-Opolis: The Driverless Agenda/Agenda 2030 Unfolds In My City
Note: This is my second attempt at writing this. I was an idiot and didn't back up my work. Then the website decided it was time to log me off their site, when I was 99% done this post. Gawd dayum! Alright, I'm going to try again. Here it goes!
The original article link here

More like left in the SMART DUST!, am I right?... anyone?... Anyway, we are heading towards a very troubling future with this technology. Let's take a good look at what Edmonton has in its plans for smart transportation.
Smart Transportation Action Plan
"The City is developing a Smart Transportation Action Plan that focuses on automated, connected, shared and electric mobility technologies."
Autonomous Vehicle Pilot Project
"Also known as driverless cars, self-driving cars, robotic cars or autonomous vehicles, automated vehicles are capable of sensing its environment and navigating without human input."
Connected Vehicles
"Using wireless mobile devices, connected vehicles exchange information in real time with roadside equipment like traffic lights or message signs, and with other vehicles."

Electric Vehicles
"Playing an important role in reducing environmental impacts from personal transportation, electric vehicles have electric motors that draw their energy from a rechargeable battery."
"As Hurricane Irma bore down, Tesla gave some Florida drivers more battery juice. Here’s why that’s a big deal."
"The decision highlights one of the most innovative aspects of owning a Tesla. The company’s ability to use software to instantly add range to a vehicle is something no conventional car can achieve. You can’t simply make a gas tank bigger at the click of a button." - source
Tesla motors can control how far you can travel at the click of a button. Just think about that.
List of countries banning fossil fuel vehicles

Shared Mobility
"Shared mobility involves the shared use of transportation options, such as a car or bike, allowing different users to have access on an as-needed basis."

Getting Around Sustainably
"Plan to bike, walk, take transit, and rideshare around Edmonton to incorporate activity into your routine and cut down on stress from driving in traffic and parking. Best of all, this will give you an opportunity to get to know your community!"
Err, don't you just hate driving through traffic? Well thankfully transit and bicycling never experience any traffic. And parking well heck! You got me there! The city keeps eliminating and blocking off free parking. So yeah, parking is starting to become a real and even expensive issue in some areas.
About ELA
* Operates 100% autonomous and is powered by electricity
* Can carry up to 12 passengers
* Accessible to everyone with its built-in access ramp for mobility challenged passengers
* Can operate on fixed or on-demand routes
* Can operate on existing roadways with no additional infrastructure required
* Supervised by a PWT operator
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"Simple models based on Edmonton vehicle statistics suggest that if adoption is very rapid, fully automated vehicles could make up a large part of the vehicles on the road within 15 to 20 years. If the pace is slower, it could take 30+ years for fully automated vehicles to make up the majority of cars on Edmonton roads."
There are 6 levels of driving automation:
* Level 0: No automation, human driver monitors driving environment.
* Level 1: Driver assistance, human driver monitors driving environment but some functions can be done automatically by the car, like steering or accelerating, for example.
* Level 2: Partial automation, human driver monitors driving environment and must be ready to take control of the vehicle when necessary.
* Level 3: Conditional automation, automated driving system monitors driving environment. Driver is present and can take over but is not required to monitor the car.
* Level 4: High automation, automated driving system monitors driving environment. Vehicle performs all safety-critical functions and monitors the roadway, but does not cover every driving scenario.
* Level 5: Full automation, automated driving system monitors driving environment. Does not require a human driver and car function is equal to that of a human driver.

Wow, Mr. Knack likened Autonomous vehicles to that of the switch from horse and buggy to the motor car. Sorry, but I have to disagree here. Sure it's an impressive feat of modern technology.
But, when you factor in the complete and utter dependency this will foster for future generations. This is nothing more than a technocratic limitation on the freedom of movement. Sure this may be a useful technology for the disabled and elderly, who don't have anyone in their lives to drive them where they need to go. But for the able-bodied individual, driving is a most valuable skill to have. It is a means for one to leave the city if they wish. Driving is freedom, freedom to travel to anywhere you wish and at your own pace.
Mobility as a service
"Instead of selling individual driverless vehicles, Knack expects automotive companies will start branding their products under a service model.
"Everything we do as consumers now is typically service based. We subscribe to Netflix, we subscribe to Spotify, we subscribe to all these services."
All major vehicle manufacturers are planning to use subscription services "that can be as efficient if not more than driving our own personal vehicle," he said. - Mr. Knack source

Oh well of course! They are doing this all over the world. After you are done with my post here. I suggest you do a little digging on your own city. I guarantee they have a very similar plan in place.

DOING IT CLIMATE CHANGE! Oh yes, gotta make sure to toss that in the article. "We want to completely remove your ability to drive anywhere you want, but it's okay. It's for climate change"
What? You don't believe me when I tell you that there's a global agenda to take away your right to drive.

It's worse though, they don't want you leaving the city. The city is a trap, baited with urban farming, urban beekeeping, chicken coops, and much more to come. All good things on their own, but all part of a 'sustainability' plan to replace that need for that simple life. Free among the green canopies of trees, working land YOU own.
No, they realize that not everyone finds comfort in the concrete jungle of convenience and instant gratification. Eradicate 'Sprawl' yes sprawl as the UN refers to people living outside the city.
"What is sustainable development?"

"Welcome to your driverless future" By: The Corbett Report

"Getting us off the carbon" what are we junkies? Over-indulgent plants?

Hmm I wonder how do you make transit more appealing than driving? Hey maybe by making it more difficult and frustrating to drive around and park in the city? Creating more stress than ever before. Meanwhile, they create more barricaded bike lanes and free parking spaces. Breaking people down. But don't worry, you'll always have the option to call up a driverless car service for those longer commutes.
The Helgelian Dialectic (problem,reaction,solution)

What if Car attacks were being used in the same way that mass shootings are?

Notice how they refer to the object as the killer.

Problem: Car attacks ramp up.
Reaction: MSM scare the public, public cry to their government.
Solution: Stricter rules for renting vehicles, stronger push for autonomous vehicles.
Marijuana legalization may be duping the doper.

Problem: Legal pot creates surge in D.U.I.s.
Reaction: Serious problem for medical marijuana users, public outcry.
Solution: Push for autonomous vehicles.
"Smart Cities for dumb people" - unknown.
Thanks for reading, please check out my related posts below.

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I shall stick to my motorbikes, and living right where I am bro.
Great post my friend, it amazes me how people can't see what is growing around them .. or that if they can how they fail to see the potential negatives .. I've often wondered about about Jones etc overplaying and other researchers being fed misinformation about the death squads and holocaust angle, in order that people would be so focused on looking for the worst to happen that they wouldn't realise they were being slowly suffocated to death by fluffy pillows of health and safety, protection and regulation and the collapse of fertility rates that is "hey a good thing because there are too many of us anyway, aren't there?) Equally, I still think the wildcards of major false flags and perhaps even WW3 is still in the mix.