A.I. Can Write Software Now

Well, that happened quickly. It seems the United States military is far along in creating artificial intelligence that can write original software.

BAYOU (http://www.askbayou.com/) creates java code based on specific keyword entries. Simply input the basic idea of what you want the software to do and BAYOU will take care of the rest!

BAYOU was created by scientists from Rice University via DARPA funding and some money from Google. It uses the source code from roughly 1500 Android apps, scanning the 100 million lines of Java not only for function but context as well. This means it can make detailed, informed decisions on what code will best execute a given set of goals, even if those goals as vague as two or three words.

Here is the white paper on the research: https://arxiv.org/pdf/1703.05698.pdf

While this is all still at an early-stage, the implications are clear. Soon the world of software coding will be dominated by machines, just like automobile assembly lines. Humans will be regulated to supervisory and support roles.


So think twice about letting your kids major in computer programming! It’s likely a dead-end job in the coming years.

Actually, it’s difficult to imagine any line of work not threatened by the coming A.I. revolution.

But between now and then, BAYOU will be an extremely helpful tool in assisting programmers build effective and intricate software applications, providing both advanced guidance and outstanding troubleshooting abilities. Workloads will be halved. Results will be more robust and error-free.

The next stage of BAYOU is going to be quite a leap forward in what we can achieve through our technology. Or rather, WITH our technology. Hopefully this cooperation will last for centuries to come.

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Artificial intelligence make the human life very easy and lazy. Because of Artificial intelligence we do not need do any effort. Now its a good news that it can make software but this can impact on the job of software engineers.
Some months ago a robot kill a man. Therefore the main thing is that it should be used for good work.
Thanks @writesbackwards for this informative post

Yeah, it's a tricky world we live in. A.I. can be super useful and it could also be our downfall.

AI is a serious threat to our current economic systems, and as you point out, there will be no area of our lives, work or otherwise, that won't be affected somehow. The displacement of jobs can, and I think will, be devastating. We need to start thinking now about how we will deal with these issues, especially creating a universal, guaranteed income for people. If we don't do it now, the result will be wide spread poverty unlike we've seen for hundreds of years. And when the masses can't eat, they have nothing to loose and will revolt. It could set the whole world on fire. IMHO.

Are you worried at all, that if you give a universal income, that people will lose their purpose in life, and waste away just as quickly as if they were annihilated by the machines?

Yes, I suppose that will be an issue for some. People need a reason to live...something to do, something to work towards and give them purpose. Look at retirees who worked hard their entire lives, thinking that playing golf everyday and just chillaxing will be the life they always wanted...and then die within 5 years, mostly from boredom.

So, what will need to be done is some kind of "proof of work" in order to maintain their income. Some kind of part-time job, volunteer work, student work and such. It doesn't have to be "for pay" work, but something that benefits society and keeps the individual engaged and involved.

Nothing is perfect, and there will be problems with a Universal Income. But the alternative is that millions, maybe billions, will be out of work and penniless, while the few wealthy have such colosal wealth, they could buy the world several times over, but only hoard their wealth. That kind of imbalance, the kind of imbalance we have today, cannot last. Nature itself demands balance (not necessarily "equality", but a equitable balance) and the nature in us, our human nature will demand balance too. Even if it requires violence.

Universal Income, I believe, can provide that balance without violence.

I can see a lot of upset workers in the years to come not good for some people

Seriously, it's already happening. It's hard to balance, "changing with the times," and screwing people out of their jobs.

Good for AI. But nothing beats the natural intelligence we humans possess.

Seems a bit dismissive don't you think? Humans have tons of potential and squander it, generally. Machines tend to use every bit of the tools at their disposal. When do the two cross?

It's not surprising that AI could write code.

The concerns of AI are valid, in that they need to be maintained to systems that don't try to take over society.

Ultimately, if there is enough produced so that people can survive with little to no efforts, then the need for money will evaporate anyway and people can spend their time on ventures of passion.

Read an article recently where an A.I. was tasked with creating better iterations of itself, and within two generations, the A.I. was writing code that the researches could not decipher the meaning of. TWO GENERATIONS (which is nothing in machine time.)

My favorite story about AI was the nematode problem that had been plaguing science for a century. They were trying to analyze how they could regrow limbs. The AI was fed the data and it took a few hours before it came up with an answer that was verified by other scientists.

This is really a immpresive invention but if this type of inventions still continue than human will not remain able to work because work Machines with high efficiency but human being are only on species that can feel other love and feelings & humans are real software designers this is not work of Robots but thanks for this great & authentic post @writesbackwards .

It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop, working hard has been in you boss @writesbackwards..

You've explained a bit about bayou. this can add insight for me. you give something through steemit. Thanks.

Awesome post. Thanks for your nice information. Go ahead bro..

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good heads up!! we must watch the dev closely