Our obsession with reality television...
These days there's a good chance that
after a long day you look foward to
sitting down with your favorite bowl
of snack food or a big bowl of icecream
and watching our favorite reality television
We all seem to connect to a certain person
or even a couple and we become obsessed
and just cant stop watching.
For some of us its way to kinda foreget
about our own lifes even if its just for
an hour or two.
There is soo many different reality shows
that we can all seem to obesse over from
competitions,cars,pregnancy,and even dancing
to make us laugh or even cry.
Thanks to streaming services like netflix
or hulu we can even binge watch our favorite
seasons over the weekend.Or even go back and
rewatch classic's.
What are some of your favorite's? Here's mine
Please upvote and follow me. :)