Telos4africa Weekly Update #8

in #telos4 years ago


Telos4Africa Community

Become a part of the Telos4Africa community and enjoy the info-share as well as the company of like minded individuals. You’ll also get inspired by, and networking with well versed veterans in the blockchain and crypto spheres. How do I go about this, you may ask. It’s quite simple! Just join us on our different social media platforms like Whatsapp and Telegram where we have a constant stream of fun activities for community education and engagement.

The notable thing about our community is that there are diverse opportunities to get rewarded in the process of participation and engagement with our weekly activity line-up. Case in point, @marielline12 was the most active on our social media handles for the month of February and she has been rewarded with some sweet TLOS tokens for her effort. Check out our schedules below to know where you would fit in most conveniently;

Daily Activities

  • Monday – Jokes and memes (WhatsApp/ telegram)
  • Tuesday – Let’s talk music and movies (WhatsApp)
  • Wednesday – Talk about blockchain (Telegram)
  • Thursday – Sports/ Promote your business (WhatsApp)
  • Friday – Telos4africa night (Everything telos and more, Whatsapp)
  • Sunday- Share your ideas (Whatsapp)

Weekly Activities

  • Weekly Contest/Challenge – Begins on Tuesdays & submission closes by 12 noon on Fridays
  • Discord Hangout: Holds every third Wednesday of the month, 7:30pm GMT+1 (any change in the plan will be communicated beforehand)
  • Bi-weekly Trivia: Holds on Mondays (flexi-time).

The Weekly Contests

This week’s challenge was all about creativity and the ability to think outside the box. Our community members were tasked with designing a logo for a project on Telos Blockchain; weather & climate study balloons. The submissions were so amazing, diverse and intricate that it was a pretty tough call for the judge to select the best. He eventually had no choice but to choose and subsequently, all rewards have been sent out to the participants. Please check out their submissions below;

2nd place:

Others entries; &

Blockchain Collaboration


We hosted the “Blockchain Series” on Wednesday 26th February, 2020 at 8pm GMT+1 via our Discord server. Our special guest was Lucky Henry, Regional Lead Waves platform and founder, Quru Labs. He spoke about opportunities for Africans on the Blockchain and here are a few excerpts from his session;Start from yourself; think about a problem you have that the blockchain can solve.Let your focus be on continuous learning.Don’t blindly support any blockchain; ask questions and the answers will direct your focus.Don’t jump from blockchain to blockchain; master one and understand it’s use cases.How can we serve the world as Africans? This is where blockchain comes into play; it gives freedom, liberty and cross border payment. So, provide a valuable service.It was an informative, interactive and highly educative session for both crypto veterans and newbies. Plans are underway towards the successful delivery of the next episode.

What’s on next week’s roster?

A new challenge/contest will be initiated shortly and we also have an ace up our sleeves for the pleasure of the community…wait for it guys! Do invite your friends to become part of the Telos4Africa community. The more, the merrier. Cheers!




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