Wisdom of The Day - Every moment of resistance to temptation is a victory.

in #temptation4 years ago

We don't speak much about the word temptation. It isn't a popular word when you go to business and leadership workshops. Instead, we often hear about how to be a leader, the characteristics of a leader, and read and hear about motivational topics. However, the word temptation is not a frequent one. How come? We don't like to speak about it, because it is a tough topic, and because it often goes even deeper. What do I mean?

We don't like to hurt anyone, and we don't like to speak about morality and right or wrong. So, if I tell you to watch out for temptations, what do I really mean? Am I in the position to tell you that you should watch out for temptations if you are tempted to go home with someone that is not your spouse? Or to trick with money and pay less taxes than you should?


Well, I might not be in that position, but I am telling you to be careful, no matter what! If you give in to temptations, you will get a hole in your armor. And they will make you weaker, not only to attacks, but you will also feel it on your inside and it will weaken you on the inside.

But, whenever you face a temptation and you manage to stand strong and not give in to the temptation, it will make your shield even stronger for future attacks from the outside, and it will also make you feel stronger on the inside. It is a win-win situation!

So, maybe nobody also has dared to speak to you about it, but fight temptations that are bad and that will destroy you, and do good instead!

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