Tesla.....the man that was born by the lightnings ⚡⚡⚡

in #tesla6 years ago (edited)

Hello everyone!

 I hope you are all fine 😀! As I logged in on Steemit yesterday, I saw that I've received a comment/award from @steemitboard 😘 (love how they come up with new award/badges all the time). 

I got a badge for my first year on Steemit! Time flies and truth is that I have enjoyed my one-year on Steemit more than I thought would have! 

I am not writing for a living, but I am writing on my personal diaries from a really young age. This way I track down my thoughts, my every-day problems, my prayers to God, my compaints to him as well 😏, even my dreams! 

So, writing on Steemit gives me a sense of freedom and power that I never knew I acquired!  

Therefore, I wanted to make something special for you, my readers’ 🙂!  

While trying to find a theme for this post, I was a bit hesitant as to what exactly that theme would be. So, I thought I would share some of my personal information combined with a tribute to someone I admire and love deeply! 

You, my readers, know that I am a bit unconventional and so will be my tribute. I will try to present parts of his character and facts from his personal life that are not known to the majority of the world. 

Initially, I was between two Legendary Icons, Innovators, Pioneers and Saviours, just to name a few of their qualities, that they are being described by and have left their trademark in the recent history of humankind. 

The admiration I have for both, is beyond any description and I really could not decide, since both of them have made a huge staple in my heart!  

But you know what they say, devil is in the details, and while I was looking at the day I joined Steemit, the 7th of January, I knew exactly that moment who would be my guest of honor for this special post!Image source

The man who wanted free electricity for all the world but ended up dying in debt, betrayed and forgotten on the 7th of January of 1943!!

But before I start my tribute to Nicola Tesla, I will say a little story of how I found out about him!

But let's put some music first...

I was a very cheerful child while growing up; smart, strong, determined, dedicated to whatever I would pick to do! I was a pleasure to be with, especially if I enjoyed your company hehehehe 😍!

But there were some things I loved......and these things were:

  1. Lightnings
  2. Rainbows 
  3. Light (All sources of light)

I would spend many nights watching out of the window to "catch" a thunderstorm. 

And I looked like this, when I was chasing rainbows 😍!

 A year ago I took this photo:  


Which is clear proof of what I am mentioning above LOL!!!  

When I was around 3 years old, I was nearly hit by a car as I was naively trying to touch its lights while it was moving!! The terrified driver stopped to check if I was safe!! I was smiling at him, thinking he was the carrier of the light!🤩
And the truth is, that all of the above still amaze me 💜!! 

To get back to my tribute, I was 7 years old when I first heard from my uncle the story of this remarkable scientist.  

My uncle mentioned among other things, "When Tesla was born, the lightnings turned the night into a day." However, to me that was irrelevant as in my mind Tesla was born by the lightnings and that's what I kept saying ever since lol!  

Nicola Tesla the man that’s legally to blame for more than 700 Innovations and 100 Patents!  

I have one patent under my name and I feel so special!!Imagine how he probably felt.

Tesla below, in one of his rare social photos with an unknown lady on the beach.  Image source

  • Actually he loved women more than anyone would believe: “History has given us many examples of the wonderful influence exerted by unusual women. Among these have been the mothers of great men,” Tesla said to the reporter in 1924, perhaps referring to his own mother in a rather immodest way. “But their influence lay not in their determination to outdo man, or even to compete with him.” 
  • His opinion about Feminism was: “It seems to me that women are not particularly happy in this newly found freedom, in this new competition which they are waging so persistently against men in business and the professions and even in sport,” Tesla said. “The question that naturally arises is, whether the women themselves are the gainers or the losers.”  
  • I couldn't agree with him more:“Woman, herself, is really the victim instead of, as she thinks, the victor. Contentment is absent from her life. She is ambitious, often far beyond her natural equipment, to attain the thing she wants. She too frequently forgets that all women cannot be prima donnas and motion picture stars,” 


        The following quote by Tesla, is my favourite:

Everyone should consider his body as a priceless gift from one whom he loves above all, a marvelous work of art, of indescribable beauty, and mystery beyond human conception, and so delicate that a word, a breath, a look, nay, a thought may injure it. 

Below in a photo with one of his dear friends and another favourite of mine! Best American writer of all time, in my opinion, Samuel Langhorne Clemens, better known with his pen name: Mark Twain!

Image source

        Did you know that?

Tesla was born the same year as George Bernard Shaw and Sigmund Freud, 1856. It was also the year that the Crimean War ended. 

He was  Serbian and was born in an area that today is Croatia but back then, was the Austrian Empire! 

His father was a Christian Orthodox priest and his mother was a housewife with no education but an amazing ability to learn foreign languages and innovate tools that made her every day life easier! 

Skills that Nicola certainly inherited; not only he became one the greatest innovators of all time but also spoke 8 languages!!

While growing up, he was a very weak child and almost died when he got infected by Cholera at the age of 17.

Image source

He was a university drop-out!!  It seems that his colossal brain could not fit into the  narrow-minded structured world of the Educational systems. 

He was a book lover!! He loved Jules Verne and Émile Zola!! 

Doesn't surprise you sometimes that you and your favourite historical figures, love the same things?  Nana, 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea and Michel Strogoff were my absolute favourite books while growing up!!!

He had and older brother called Dane, seven years older than Nicola, that he died when he fell from horse while riding. Nicola, an eye witness of his brother horrific death, eversince, he lived in Dane's shadow. His parents could never appreciate his skills and due to this, Nicola Tesla had very low self confidence as he stated later on in his autobiography, My Inventions

A book I highly recommend!!

He was a philosopher, a free spirit, a humanitarian and a firm believer of a just world. 

That's why he was disappointed by people when they were not true to their word like Thomas Edison; who promised Tesla $5000 if he could improve Edison's engine system. When Tesla did as he promised Edison's reply was: " Tesla you don't understand our American humor"!

When Tesla died, officials from the Office of Foreign Property, after they were ordered by the FBI, seized all his belongings which soon after were sealed under a government order! ... 


Wow you're the third person I see having their 1 steemversary. So glag to see people still sticking around regardless of the price and just having fun with the platform like it should be

Wishing you all the best and hope you continue to stick around with this crazy bunch

My dear @chekohler thank you 😀!
When I joined Steemit it was mainly because I was at a crossroad and I had an abundance of leisure. I don't have that luxury anymore so I cannot be here as often as I used to!

Through this past year though, Steemit, became a good friend of mine, in an incongruous and outlandish way I would say, but still.... a friend! And I am always faithful to my friends; rich or poor is irrelevant when they are my friends 🙂!!