When Business is Battle: Inside the Boardrooms of the CEOs that Survived the Storm | Andreessen Horowitz - Andreessen Horowitz

in #testlast year

( November 23, 2023; Andreessen Horowitz )

Description: "Taking a company from idea to household name is always difficult. But the past few years presented challenges that caught even the most-seasoned CEOs off guard. In this episode, you’ll hear from two CEOs that navigated these waters and somehow, came out on the other side. These recordings come straight from our exclusive Connect/Enterprise event,..."

Taking a company from idea to household name is always difficult. But the past few years presented challenges that caught even the most-seasoned CEOs off guard.

In this episode, you’ll hear from two CEOs that navigated these waters and somehow, came out on the other side. These recordings come straight from our exclusive Connect/Enterprise event, bringing together top executives across the a16z network.


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Read the rest from Andreessen Horowitz: When Business is Battle: Inside the Boardrooms of the CEOs that Survived the Storm | Andreessen Horowitz


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