Thank God Its Friday

in #tgif6 years ago


Hello freinds, family , hommies and my fellow steem citizens it's another friday hurray!!!. My favorite day of the week ..a day I have so much freedom, a day I look forward to, a day can be just me to 24 hours, a day I can stay longer in bed. So how was your week hope it was awesome and you have a lot of fun, I know you've could say am working not having fun, but if you do what you love it sure would be fun all the way. My week was epic to a point until I had some disappointments along the line but in all its a week I would look back to and be happy and greatfull.

Yes it friday and am sure a lot of us had made several plans to go to that club, bar, cinema , for that picnic basically any fun place you think would be perfect to spend your friday. But but before we step out the door to that fun hangout we've planned I think we should do a check and balance of how our week had gone. It's more like reminiscing on how you started your week and how it ended, how did my Monday go , how did my Tuesday go , what did I achieve on Wednesday , where did I go on Thursday and so on should be the questions you ask yourself. I have discovered that a lot of us pass through the week regardless of what happens, hoping that the week would end as soon as it can. Most times we start our Mondays and before we know it's Friday again, it like it passed like a lighting bolt and most times we can even know how the week went. That's why it's important to always do a status check , this are some things you should look back to in your just finished week and the benefit.

1. Lesson learnt
One of the best ways to not repeate from your mistake is to learn from your mistakes. And it might not be a mistake it might a conquest or something you have achieved during the week. This will make it easier for you in the bear and far future as if you come across a similar situation you would know where how you failed and how you succeed .

2. Focus
For those of us that have short and long term plans this is a time you should do your check and balancing. A time you should check if they are still allinged or you are deviating from it, did you do anything this week to improve you success chances, how far have you gone and where are lagging. A this qestion will help keep you in focus for the next coming week.

3. What you did and what you did no
In the week past am sure their are some things we avoided, ignored, dispised and their are some things we carried out, engaged in. We should look back and see reasons why we made this decisions, basically our reason. Did we no do it because of fear of failing ,or we just been lazy or we did not feel like or we did it because it was an easy task ,or we had something to gain and so on. This questions should be asked so we would know how to carry out our activities effectively in the coming week.

4. What did you observe
As they say change is constant , that's why we need to know and keep up with the changes around us. And the only way to know this changes is by through observations. Their could be change in management style in your office or their could be change in government policies that would affect your business over the week , you just have to take note of this changes . And you know sometimes things happen so fast and we might have not put our full attention on them but looking back at how your week went would enable you remember this events and know how to shape and adjust yourself.

In all this points are just to make you look back at your week and know how to go one in the coming week. But you know I what it does not stop you from having fun this Friday , it's just a deviation that would take less than an hour to ponder upon before you put on you party shoes. So don't forget to have a lot of fun, dance as much as you can , drink but try not to get drunk but if you drunk please try not to drive. Stat safe stay happy and be glad that it is friday .

Friday joke:
3 horrible facts: 1. Today is not Friday…
2. Tomorrow is not Friday…
3. The day after tomorrow is not Friday


im agree, the best day of the week @promize123

I decided that every day should be Friday 🤩🤩 We should always reflect on what our week has took from us and brought into the next week. Thank you for the awesome reminder to really be present until Friday comes haha.

Haha...thanks for your contribution I means a lot ..

In all this, the points are just to make you look back on your week and know how to go one in the next week. But you know what doesn't stop you from having fun this Friday, it's just a deviation that would take less than an hour to reflect on before you put on your party shoes. So don't forget to have a lot of fun, dance as much as you can, drink, but try not to get drunk, but if you drink, try not to drive. Stay safe, stay happy and be glad it's Friday.

Totally agree with you, things are best appreciated in retrospect, Fridays are the perfect time to get out of all those things that disturbed your week, so live and enjoy your Fridays, that's healthy!

Yeah you so right ...hope you had a wonderful friday ...thanks fir stoping by it means a lot

It certainly is the best day of the week

It sure is...thanks for stoping by