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RE: Sexual Exploitation in Bangkok

in #thailand5 years ago (edited)

Nice writing but you've fallen into the trap of judging Thailand from tourist traps and as such filled your article with factual inaccuracies as well as not including any genuine cultural or social commentary or history.

As a pointer, most of the prostitution here is Thai for Thai and happens in shops on every suburban back street and in every 'curtain hotel' which are also ubiquitous in the suburbs.

Prostitution was here long before any tourists or Americans on shore leave, just watch any Thai historical drama. Even the name whose name must not be taken in vain has an official consort!

Socially, this is an extremely complex country with what many westerners may find archaic attitudes but rightly or wrongly, it is how it is.

If I judge the whole of France from an afternoon in Pigalle or the whole of the UK from a few days spent in Soho, would this be a good snapshot of culture and society ?

You started your article with Western promiscuity which seems to be Ok but then went on to damn Thailand?

If you want to learn about a country, go where the people live, not where the tourists hang out!

Will go back and read the rest of your stuff now because I do like your style very much.

Would also be interested in your experiences here as a Jamaican as I know from a couple of mates I have is common, both deliberately and casually.


Nice writing but you've fallen into the trap of judging Thailand from tourist traps and as such filled your article with factual inaccuracies as well as not including any genuine cultural or social commentary or history.

Yup, very much so.

I'm glad you wrote this reply (because I'm lazy, and you saved me a job! lol)