WEB LOG // #thankful4 // Thanksgiving!

in #thankful46 years ago (edited)


Today is known as Thanksgiving in many places in the world. Unfortunately, Estonia doesn't celebrate this day and we don't have it in our calendars, so it's a bit foreign to me, but then again it's something that everyone, every country, should celebrate. We often forget what's important in life or what to be thankful for. I know I do! It would be great to take some time off and be thankful for...

... my family

My road in life has had lots of bumps and some minor bad decisions. I don't even want to think about where I would've ended up if I didn't have my family supporting me. I haven't always even deserved the help they offer, but they are always there for me. I could basically say that everything that has worked out for me is thanks to my family.

... my friends

I'm not really a people's person and I don't need friends around me all the time. I also don't have many good friends. I think I can count less than 10 friends that I can really count as friends. People that I feel I can count on 100% and they can do the same.

... having a place to live in

I don't yet have a home of my own, but I have a rental place to live in. I have a place where to hide from the cold, to store my things, to cook food, to eat, to sleep, to shower, to wash my clothes and just... be.

... having a job (money)

Although I am not completely satisfied with my full-time job, I am thankful for having the opportunity to have that position. What would I do without it? I'd be lost, broke. I don't have a lot of money and I pretty much have to live month-to-month (which I hate), but it's still better than to live in debts. There is a lot where to climb to, to earn more and allow myself and my family to live a better life, but at least we can cope somehow.

... my followers on Steemit

I am so glad that I have reached that sweet spot of 1000 followers and I am so grateful for those who have been upvoting my posts or leaving a comment. Oh, how I love comments and feedback! Even though I am not a people's person irl, I very much love to type and chat online. My own little online world is amazing. Thank you for being in it!

... Steemit

I am also thankful for finding Steemit in the beginning of this year. Even though the price of STEEM is low at this time, Steemit has still offered me a lot of great emotions to believe in it. Thanks to earning on Steemit, I was able to:

  • buy my mom a new phone (a post about it),
  • visit the hairdresser in May (I really needed to dye my hair, cut it and it cost 100€ which I can't afford for myself otherwise)
  • be a guest in my best friend's wedding in August (being a wedding guest costs a lot beginning from dressing up, travelling to the wedding place and back and being able to gift proper value to the couple).

Let me know:

What are you thankful for today?

Leave a comment below or make your own post using #thankful4 tag. I'd love to read about what you're thankful for.^^


I feel proud for hopefully being part in a very small part of your life and I wish you the best of luck in life

Your Estonian family will always be here for you.