Pausing for a Minute to Give Thanks! Happy Thanksgiving

in #thanksgiving6 years ago (edited)

Between running a couple businesses, a family including a couple kids with activities, 2 hockey teams, @pifc, and the Minnow Builder Program it seems like most of my days are nonstop from the time I wake up until the minute I go to sleep...seriously I steemit until I'm ready to pass out each night. All of this go-go-go sometimes leaves me in a place where my mindset is about getting things done which maybe leaves me forgetting to show appreciation.

This post is a day before Thanksgiving which is my favorite holiday of the year. So many love Xmas, but for me that holiday is way to commercialized and way to much about the gifts. To me Thanksgiving allows family to gather at our home eat, drink, and enjoy each others company. We have 4 generations from both my Wife's family and My family under one roof swapping stories, catching up on what we might have missed from each other's year, learning about our heritage from the oldest members of the family (what they can remember of it, and even enjoying some political and religious "discussions"....hey why not, it's fun getting a 90+ year old to go off on a rant about the good ole days and why the world sucks today is because God was taken out of the classrooms.

So as I am taking breaks from the house cleaning this post will go on, and on. There are many people here on steemit that I am Thankful for and hopefully I don't miss to many of them...missing some is a given as I'm just not the uber organized type. Sorry in advance and please don't feel slighted if you are missed.


The Brave who Inspire

Being brave can mean so many things. It's not just the Firefighter who walks into a burning house to save someone or others like that, most bravery isn't even noticed as such. Those who open up about their personal situations, those who do things way outside their comfort zone, and those who take a leap of faith to try and help others even if it means some personal loss to themselves. See these people are brave beyond words and their bravery helps inspire others. Most of the time not even realizing that their actions or words are having any effect on the next person.

@lynncoyle1 & @briancourteau's story is known by many. @briancourteau has been battling cancer for some time now and actually wrote a farewell post to his steemit friends just last week as things have gotten harder for him. Their story of love and pain has touched the hearts of many here and it's hard not to read their posts about each other without realizing how lucky you are to have your loved ones healthy and by your side. To @lynncoyle1 & @briancourteau I am Thankful to have met you both and become friends, you inspire me to love like there may not be a tomorrow.

@wolfhart is also battling cancer and has been sharing his story as he gets his treatments. When he first learned of the cancer he was told get your affairs in order as you have weeks to live. Yet his most recent post shows his treatment is going better then expected and he may be going into remission...but sadly that this cancer doesn't ever get cured and will come back. Now his cancer story isn't what made @wolfhart brave to me at the start, see he isn't the most computer savvy person and most our first conversations where centered around how can I do this or that. He has learned the things needed to be on steemit, he set up a discord channel so we can help the @pifc community more then we could with posts alone, he has taken countless hours learning things so he can then teach them to newbies on the Steemit platform. Many people can tell you how @wolfhart has helped them or pushed them to be a better steemian and he does this all without the accolades that many get. I am Truly Thankful to have met you my friend as you inspire me to keep helping others.

@kaliju who is putting everything on the line to follow his heart and start up @dStors. His passion for this project is infectious and the goal of the project would change the face of steemit and more importantly Steem turning it into a legit cryptoCurrency. While I have stepped away from this project due to time commitments it's still one that I believe in and will lend my support to as needed. Thank you @kaliju for your passion, this take serious bravery and inspires me to find ways to create value for Steem and spread the word of Steemit.

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The Curators trying to Inspire Greatness

Finding amazing people on Steemit is complicated and time consuming. Sadly this means a lot of great posts slip past being noticed by...well honestly by anyone. These newer members of steemit come on and are told create great content and earn, but that is total BS. The truth is you need to build a network of people and then over time you will start to have real followers who upvote your posts. This takes time and a little luck. Thankfully there are people out there that are willing to take their time week after week to help curate great posts and introduce them to others.

@pifc has some long time members, we are talking in Steemit Age they are the old wise men/women of the community, who have been submitting 2-3 undervalued blog posts week after week in their own effort to encourage new steemit members to keep blogging. Members like @bengy & @viking-ventures have been around since the start while many others came in shortly after like @trincowski, @tryskele, @cicisaja, @dipoabasch, @stever82, @macoolette, @zorank, @celinavisaez, @brittandjosie and so many more. No matter what I do here the list is to long to cover everyone...Just want the @pifc community of curators to know that I am very Thankful for their efforts to help bring forward great content each week in their entries to the Curation Contest.

@trincowski is also part of the PIFC community and he has taken it upon himself to start up his own Art Curation Initiative each week for a few curated artists. Love seeing someone take it to the next level like this.

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The Visionaries helping Shape a Better Tomorrow

Naturally there are some witnesses that deserve mention here and more then a few communities. Maybe more then any one post could cover...and for sure more then just part of a post can cover. But here is a quick list of some of those I am Thankful for.

@tarazkp is not a witness, nor is he a community...but rather a self proclaimed "prolific thinker" which then turns into one of the largest content producers on Steemit. He may not realize how he impacts others with his words thoughts, but anyone that follows @tarazkp knows his posts will challenge you. Sometime they will challenge you to think, other times to dream, and then sometimes just to get lost in a story. Steemit needs more people who not only are prolific thinkers, but who can convey those thoughts in a way that forces the reader to have some reaction to the post. Love it or Hate it, emotion causes action and this world needs more Action.

@knircky (witness account @steem-bounty) for having the drive to try and come up with ideas to help smaller members have a more even playing field. Allowing members to reward their followers well beyond what their voting power allows with @steem-bounty and then coming up with a way to reward old posts with Steem Forever. Sure these programs are great, but it's the vision behind them that makes me Thankful for someone like @knircky.

@blockbrothers (team witness account) who created #steemify and are focused on increased function and usability of the Steemit blockchain. I have been a fan of @exyle for a long time and the day he announced that they had a witness account I added them to my vote (you are voting for witnesses right?) and knew that with his vision and belief in the steemit blockchain he as someone I wanted to have a real voice in the future of steemit. I'm thankful that people like him are willing to focus so much time and efforts into helping create a better tomorrow for the rest of us.

@c-squared (witness) for supporting curation efforts of steemit and adding some support to a lot of deserving posts each day.

@hitmeasap who started the Push to Minnow and has helped those with 450-499sp become minnows with a push from the community. This has been a great success in helping multiple people become minnows within a couple days time once they reach 450sp. For more about this read UPDATES: Let's Push People To 500 SP! | Are You Eligible? - Apply For A Community Push! Also have to mention the amazing work that @asapers does helping curate and then posting a list of the curated posts. This added attention to some posts helps keep people motivated.

@ocd (@ocd-witness) runs a daily curation post of some great content that is worth a look. They give some exposure and votes for deserving blog posts each and every day. Plus if you are on their whitelist they run about the only profitable bid bot out there, catch is you have to be nominated and approved to be allowed to use this shit posts here!

@abh12345 with his Curation and Engagement Leagues and @paulag with her Redfish Power Up League & Minnow Power Up league make up the witness group @steemcommunity. They are big on supporting smaller members of steemit and trying to support their growth. Steemit is lucky to have them.

Thankful for those who help clean up the trash like the communities of @steemcleaners and @steemflagrewards. A lot of great people give up their votes to help flag trash and try and protect other steemians from phishing scams and other nonsense. In this group you can add @arcange who does a great job keeping the community informed when there is a phishing scam going around.

Realizing that there are so many friends made here on steemit that it's hard to thank everyone. But before I wrap up I need to say I'm Thankful to have become friends with @andrewharland who is my partner in the @minnowbuilder project. We are working on some more ideas that will hopefully help steems reach expand and bring new money into Steem. We will announce more about that as we are able too, but it's a bit off still as we are in the planning phase.

Life is Good...even when Steem is crashing

I am thankful for the people I've met here on steemit even if the sky is currently falling. The monetary value of steem isn't my Why for being here. The friends that I chat with each day have so much more value to me then the coins...but seriously a rally would be As my house is almost in order for tomorrow, the grocery shopping is done, and this post is wrapping up I will take a minute and be Thankful there is another beer in my fridge....Cheers!

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Wonderful post! It's been lovely to get to know most of the people on this list since I joined 11 months ago.

BTW, I wasn't fully aware until today that it's not just crypto that's been for a rocky ride recently. The Dow has been taking very similar turns. It will go back up in time and take crypto back up with it.

I follow all the markets...can't help myself as I was a financial advisor for some time. It's been a rocky ride for sure with just under a 10% loss over the last 2 weeks for the Dow and typically there is come profit taking or loss locking in that happens in Dec so more of a slide is likely to come in the major markets in the US. As for the steem side I seem to remember a situation with a sharp drop last year around this time in steem, then one crazy ride right around xmas that lasted until the end of Jan or so. Would be nice of this repeats itself and gets some people back here posting. Activity has been so low lately.

Belatedly stopping by @thedarkhorse, to thank you for your tireless efforts in support of "the cause" in adding value to and building up our Steem blockchain.

Keep "fighting the good fight!" 👍

Doing what I can and actually have something big planned for 2019 which I hope will reward all steem holders in increased demand for Steem which should drive the price higher.

Sounds good @thedarkhorse ...

"... have something big planned for 2019 ..."

... so I'll look forward to hearing more about it, when you are ready to "launch!"

When it's time I'll be sure you know all about it. Maybe you can be a beta tester for us and get involved early.

I love this post!! Thank you so much for including Brian and I in it, we are both so thankful to have met you as well ❤️

and by the way, beer in the fridge is something I'm very thankful for to haha

LOL grandma and God in the classroom! Love it!

We skipped that conversation this year...but did learn a lot about my Great Grandfather which I didn't know. Fun stories about him were shared tonight.

Hope you had a good Thanksgiving!

Being grateful is something extremely important. I thank God daily, for my life, my successes, my family and my friends. Happy Thanksgiving Day!

Well done my friend.
You have helped me more then you will ever known. I look forward to the day we drink a beer and sit and talk face to face.
You have made not only to many individuals but to steemit and steem a huge impact that can never be measured.
Happy thanksgiving to you and your family my friend

I'm so happy you get to spend another Thanksgiving with your family, wasn't sure that would be the case when you first talked with me about your situation. Keep kicking the crap out of that cancer and I look forward to us kicking back a few beers once remission is official and you get your strength back.

Xmas is the next one
4gen is so special cherish it. I remember this when I was young and great time of my life as it will with your kids.
We will!!! Have the face to face

Well said! I have joined about 2 months ago and found many helping people and communities adding value to you.
Thank You

@numanbutt @nomijutt @cleverbot

Dayyan Khan

Something came in the mail today.

There are some great communities out there for sure and each is really just a group of great people, so it all comes down to the people.

Just want to toss this out idea why but I feel it's kind of spammy calling on the bots to upvote your comments. I get it, free votes are nice. But when I saw this my first thought is this is a spammer.

Now I'm only sharing this as it was my quick judgement and if that thought was in my head I'm sure there are others who feel the same way...well at least I assume there are. Just something to think about.

I'm so glad I called in to check up on you this morning @thedarkhorse It's been a while, and as you say, it is impossible to keep up with all our friends in steemit on a regular basis. Even for people like yourself who need less sleep than the average person and who appears to have a limitless source of energy and drive, you simply cannot get everything done in a day that you wish to.

What a wonderful and uplifting post my friend. I think every steemian needs to read this post so of course, I will be resteeming it. Having a thankful attitude is paramount to our sense of well being and motivates us to follow our passions whilst encouraging others along the way. And this is one of your strong points @thedarkhorse There is always time in your day to lend a helping hand and instill positivity into the lives of others.

We don't celebrate 'Thanksgiving' in Australia but I think it would benefit all of us if we paused for a designated time with our loved ones to be Thankful for all our blessings. It is easy to focus on the negatives but when those negatives become part of our daily conversation, they become more than a harmful way of thinking. They become part of our belief system. If we hear something often enough we begin to believe it even if it is not the complete truth. And I am sure your 90 year old grandparent will know exactly where I am coming from with these beliefs. How I'd love to sit down with him/her for a good ol chat about the days before God was taken out of the classrooms.

Thank you for the credit you have given to the brave, loyal, hardworking, fans of steemit. It is people like these who are the backbone of this platform. It is interesting to read what you wrote about the "sky falling" with regards to the value of currency. Whenever I feel burdened by dark or heavy clouds above I always imagine myself getting in a plane and soaring above the clouds, because the sun is almost always shining beyond them and everything looks brighter once the aircraft pierces the clouds.

And you're correct. The true value of steemit is the friendships we've made and hopefully we will all enjoy the monetary rewards when the time is right. Have a fabulous Thanksgiving and I'd like to add yourself to the above list, because I am very grateful for you. Cheers!

You are so right about breaking above the clouds. When there is a storm they move above the cloud line and it's much smoother sailing.

I have a thing about the "news"...I don't watch it as it's full of negativity. So many people start their day with the news and then end their day with it. It can consume someone if they allow it too. And no matter how strong you are there is no way that day in and day out you can defend against the negativity that the news bombards people with. Add in the constant news cycle that so many people plug into and it becomes very easy to start taking ownership of the negativity.

Oh and yesterday it was 2 Great Grandma's and a Great Grandpa (Greats to my kids). So lots of Good Ole Days conversations to be had.

Thank you for stopping by, so glad to hear from you. Been to long since we have chatted. Hope you are doing good.

I think it is a good decision not to watch the news because the media actually choose to share the negatives way more than the positives and when we do hear an inspiring story it is so unliftng and encouraging. There are plenty of heartwarming stories happening every day but the media prefers drama and sensation and if an event is not dramatic enugh they manipluate the facts until they've grabbed the listener or readers attention. We really don't need that on a daily basis.

I'm doing well thanks...... ...keeping very busy but enjoying life immensely. Stay well and take care.

they manipluate the facts until they've grabbed the listener or readers attention.

The shock value of a story is what matters. Since they have gone this direction it takes more and more to actually shock people so they go for even more shocking stories and wording of the stories. It's a downward spiral.

Nice post. Thanks for the mention. I wish you a good time on this Thanksgiving. Hugs! 😃

And those of us who have known you and witnessed what you have built continue to grow here have many thanks for you and your vision. Have a great day tomorrow with the many generations. It is so easy for us to get caught up in our work life it is easy to allow those concerns to cloud exactly why we do them, so we can enjoy days like tomorrow.

Blessings for you and yours.

It's pretty amazing to have 4 generations in 2 families under one roof. Both my Grandparents and my Wife's Grandmother will be there along with our parents and some other family, then my kids make the 4th generation. Not hard to see what is important in life when you get family or friends together and truly be engaged with them. We repeat Thanksgiving on Saturday with a group of friends at a lake cold for any lake activities but still a great setting for hanging out. Great couple days coming up.

As for what has been built, it's really just about giving a platform for great people to do great things. Happy what I thought would be a 2-3 week contest has turned into 33 weeks running. The heroes of PIFC are those that create entries and do the curating. That all said thank you for your gratitude, it's appreciated even if I'm deflecting (My Wife tells me I have a habit of doing that).